FrequencyTop 200-300
KankenLevel Pre-2
Composed of

When dating one woman and another concurrently neither would be happy if they found out, and would end up with a severe dislike for you.

Used in vocabulary (152 in total)
disagreeable; detestable; unpleasant; reluctant
disliked; hated; tendency; smack (of); distinction; discrimination
to hate; to dislike; to loathe
Examples (200 in total)
He is nasty.
I want to eat, but not here.
Not that I dislike that job, but that I have no time to do it.
I don't like going to school.
I hate school! I'm not going.
I really don't like going to school.
I hate the colour of this wall.
He said he didn't like his new job.
I don't like walking home alone after dark.
"Do you hate me?" "No." "So do you love me?" "Why are you asking?"
"I hate my voice." "Really? I think you have a nice and relaxed voice, though."
I hate people who say that.
Why do you hate women?
Can you explain why you dislike him?
Why do you hate yourself?
I don't know why you don't like him.
Why does everyone hate her so much?
I still hate you.
I hate silent movies.
Why do you hate surprise parties?
I hate working.
What do you like and dislike?
I hate this village.
I hate stuff like this.
I hate children.
Do you hate him?
I don't like him because he loses his temper easily.
He hated school.
He doesn't like us.
Do you really not like them?
She made it clear that she didn't like him.
I don't like bad children.
I used to hate cooking, but now I like it.
Frankly speaking, I don't like her.
You don't like me, do you?
Do you hate me?
I always hated this place.
I hate studying.
I'm starting to dislike her.
I don't dislike him at all.
I hate her too.
I hate my voice.
I hate snow!
This is why I dislike cats.
I hate cats.
I don't like cats, and neither does my brother.
I hate rain, but I love its smell.
She does hate dogs.
I hate dogs.
I hate this person.
You must take this medicine, whether you like it or not.
My younger brother hates working.
Today was a bad day.
What's your least favorite class?
I dislike living in such a noisy place.
I dislike cold weather.
The cat likes fish, but doesn't like getting its paws wet.
I don't hate winter.
I like summer, but not winter.
I don't know why you don't like her.
If you keep doing things like that, you'll be hated by everyone.
Why does everyone hate him?
Why does everyone hate you?
Why does she hate you so much?
He does so not because he hates you, but because he loves you.
He is such a bad person that everybody dislikes him.
He is much disliked.
He is hated by everyone.
He hates himself.
She disliked her husband.
She disliked him.
She hates herself.
I thought you hated us.
I love him, but he thinks I hate him.
I hate myself.
I want change. I hate being in one place for too long.
She doesn't like to sing sad songs.
My mother doesn't like watching TV.
He hates cleaning his room.
I don't like fish with lots of bones.
I hate this part of the movie.
I hate dancing.
My mom doesn't like animals.
I don't like these shoes either.
I hate coffee.
At first he hated her but gradually came to love her.
He doesn't like to swim.
I don't like novels without heroes.
I hate making mistakes.
My mother hates summer heat.
My father does not like the heat of summer.
My father hates the summer heat.
I'm afraid of lightning!
His way of doing things was much disliked.
I hate shopping.
I dislike eggs.
Everyone is in a bad mood.
She was in a bad mood.
At first, I didn't like it, but it gradually became fun.
My father hates my reading a newspaper at breakfast.
I do not like the way he talks.
I hate the color of these walls.
What's your least favorite food?
Is there any food you don't like?
I hate the food in the refectory.
They found that their families didn't like each other.
Far from respecting him, I dislike him.
"I believe you like your job." "On the contrary, I hate it."
I didn't like working at the factory, so I quit.
Some students don't like wearing uniforms.
The teacher didn't mind explaining the problem again.
He objects to being treated like a child.
She was unwilling to tell her name.
She dislikes going to school.
Cats hate to get wet.
I don't like living in the country.
I hate standing on the bus.
You know that I don't like eggs.
I hate the English language and everything related to it.
I hate English.
We hate violence.
I hate it when guys do that.
"If it's bitter, I don't want it." "Drink it!" "I don't like anything bitter."
"Why do you hate me so much?" "Because you are a brute!"
It is because he is cruel that I dislike him.
I hate Christmas.
I didn't like beer at that time.
Frankly speaking, I don't like him.
I hate troublesome things.
This egg has a bad smell.
Have you ever been harassed?
I don't like his rude manner.
Why are you in a bad mood?
Everyone seems to be in a bad mood.
Is the boss in a good mood today?
Are you in a bad mood?
I don't like being treated like this.
I always hate homework.
I don't like homework.
Don't tell me you don't like chocolate.
He dislikes the principal.
He likes mathematics, but I don't.
I hate math most of all.
I don't like math.
Good day. How are you today?
Good evening, how are you?
I'm in a very good mood today.
The child boarded the plane in a good mood.
He was in good spirits.
He's in a good mood today.
I was in good spirits.
The players were in high spirits after the game.
In general, young people dislike formality.
I don't like my wife to call me at work.
I hate reading.
It's not that I dislike reading; it's just that I have no time.
He said that he disliked me, but that he needed my help.
Some people like sports, and others don't.
"I hate you!" "Me too!"
Man, I hate the sound of glass squeaking!
I hate you.
My wife hates cats.
I hate this kind of place.
You hate it, don't you?
I thought you hated Christmas.
Ugh, I hate work. I don't wanna go.
I hate it when women say that all men are the same.
I hate homework.
I hate cops like him.
He really hates lies.
He hates her.
He hates running.
He loves cars, while his brother hates them.
He hates air travel.
She hates him.
She grew up near the sea, yet she hates swimming.
She hates insects.
She hates fish and never eats any.
I hate waiting.
I hate cleaning and doing laundry.
My mother hates writing letters.
Cats hate water.
I hate women who say that all men are the same.
I hate this weather.
I hate politics.
I hate exercising.
I hate rain.
I hate snow.
Frankly speaking, I hate him.
This sentence has a sarcastic tone.
There are also some children who don't like apples.
I don't like him coming to my house so often.
I really hate people that bully newcomers.
I hate karaoke.
I hate tomatoes.
George is reluctant to take on that difficult job.
I don't have a problem doing the laundry, but I hate folding the clothes.
I really don't like swimming.
I hate it when this happens.
I'm getting sick of having so much to do.