FrequencyTop 800-900
Kyōiku (6th grade) 
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 5
Old form
Composed of
roof with a chimney
Used in vocabulary (164 in total)
gem; jewel; precious stone
treasure; treasured item; prized possession
treasure; picture of a treasure ship; money; cash
treasure chest; strongbox
convenient; useful; finding useful; coming in handy; (priceless) treasure
hidden treasure; treasured article
jewel; precious stone; gem
treasure house; storage for valuable property
national treasure
treasure hunting; treasure hunt; lucky dip; game involving finding hidden prizes from a sand box, barrel of leaves, etc.
greatest treasure; most valuable asset; pride (of)
lottery; lottery ticket
treasured sword
precious orb; Cintamani stone; wish-fulfilling jewel; hōju; uppermost spherical part of a pagoda finial
treasury; treasure house; storehouse; treasure trove; rich source (of)
jewel box; jewelry box; jewelry case; casket
pearls thrown before swine; unused possession; useless possession; waste of talent
gold mine; treasure trove; golconda; (lit.) mountain of treasures
jewelry store; jewellery store
jeweler; gem dealer; jeweler's (jewelry) shop
the seven treasures (gold, silver, pearls, agate, crystal, coral, lapis lazuli); cloisonne ware; shippō pattern (of overlapping circles); shippō emblem
treasured sword
one's last resort; trump card; treasured family sword
diadem; jeweled crown
jewels and ornaments; jewelry; jewellery
the treasure that is children; child
the Three Jewels; the Triple Gem; Triratna; the Three Treasures; Buddha, Dharma, Sangha; Buddha, the teachings of Buddha, and the community of monks and nuns
treasure island
(shrine) repository or treasure house; (shrine) sanctuary
to be blessed with children
treasure house; treasury
Ratnasambhava; The Jewel-born (a dhyani-Buddha)
to find useful; to think highly of
living national treasure
great treasure; Taihō era (701.3.21-704.5.10); Daihō era; great treasure (used to refer to bodhisattvas, esoteric teachings, etc.); homa-mandala (fire altar)
treasure ship; picture of a treasure ship bearing the Seven Gods of Good Fortune
Hōei era (1704.3.13-1711.4.25)
Hōreki era (1751.10.27-1764.6.2)
lottery; lottery ticket
sacred treasure
treasure; treasured item; prized possession
two-storied Buddhist tower
adult museum; sex museum
cowrie; cowry
Enpō era (1673.9.21-1681.9.29)
rare treasure
ornamental railing top; bridge railing-post knob; Welsh onion flower; leek flower; hosta; plantain lily
Tenpō era (742-756)
two-storied pagoda (with a square base, pent roof and a round top)
treasured article or vessel; outstanding individual
Homage to the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha); oh no!; good heavens!; oops
treasure hunting; treasure hunt; lucky dip; game involving finding hidden prizes from a sand box, barrel of leaves, etc.
(shrine) repository or treasure house; (shrine) sanctuary
to employ one's secret weapon; to play one's trump card; to use the ace up one's sleeve
handleless Japanese tea pot
copper coin (Edo period)
famous treasure; noted treasure
Cintamani stone; wish-fulfilling jewel
Hozoin-ryu (school of sojutsu)
Hōtoku era (1449.7.28-1452.7.25)
lighted lamp (or candle, etc.) provided as a religious offering; votive light
Tenpyō-hōji era (757.8.18-765.1.7)
precious book; handbook; thesaurus; treasury of words
guardian deity of the three jewels (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha); three-person saddle
treasure; picture of a treasure ship; money; cash
treasured article
Hōji era (1247.2.28-1249.3.18)
lottery; lottery ticket
treasure hunting; treasure hunt; lucky dip; game involving finding hidden prizes from a sand box, barrel of leaves, etc.
Tenpyō-shōhō era (749.7.2-757.8.18)
single, long white (or translucent) body hair (said to bring good luck according to folklore)
nine gates; winning hand composed of 1-1-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-9-9 of the same suit plus one additional tile of the same suit
Aquarius (11th zodiacal sign); the Water Bearer; the Water Carrier
kanji for "takara" (impressed on the obverse of a coin)
sacred treasure
the Emperor's age
historical treasures
Hōki era (770.10.1-781.1.1)
many treasures
Orders of the Sacred Treasure
superb or valuable book
pyramidal roof; polygonal roof
Hōkyōin pagoda; pagoda containing a Hōkyōin sutra
Cakraratna; wheel-shaped treasure possessed by the ideal universal ruler, carried in front of him during excursions to allow easy passage
Prabhutaratna (buddha)
tidepool gunnel (Pholis nebulosa)
Orders of the Precious Crown; Orders of the Sacred Crown
nine gates; winning hand consisting of one pung of 1s, one pung of 9s and one tile each of every other number, plus one more suited tile, all in the same suit
Tenpyō-kanpō era (749.4.14-749.7.2); Tenbyō-kanpō era
gemology; gemmology
Baoji City
the seven treasures and many other precious things; all the treasures in the world
name (of a buddha or bodhisattva)
rank of the emperor; the imperial throne
rank of the emperor; the imperial throne
one's last resort; trump card
Cintamani stone; wish-fulfilling jewel
small shrine; depository for sacred objects
collection of treasures; collection of luck-bringing items; pattern with drawings of several lucky items
in calligraphy, the four important tools of brush, ink stone, ink stick, and paper
lottery; lottery ticket
one's last resort; trump card; treasured family sword
lighted lamp (or candle, etc.) provided as a religious offering; votive light
sabre-toothed blenny (Aspidontus taeniatus)
Hosta montana (species of plantain lily)
acorn worm (any hemichordate of class Enteropneusta)
collection of treasures; collection of luck-bringing items; pattern with drawings of several lucky items
collection of treasures; collection of luck-bringing items; pattern with drawings of several lucky items
ill-gotten gains fade as fast as they were obtained
to have a good opportunity only to let it slip from your grasp; (lit.) to come home empty-handed despite having entered treasure mountain
those who seek riches will find them; fortune comes to those who seek it
Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Rays
Order of the Sacred Treasure, Silver Rays
Grand Cordon of the Order of the Precious Crown
Order of the Precious Crown, Peony
Order of the Precious Crown, Butterfly
Order of the Precious Crown, Wistaria
Order of the Precious Crown, Apricot
Order of the Precious Crown, Ripple
imperial subjects; the people
Uho Doji (divine rain-making boy)
type of smelling salts sold in the late Edo period
ancient Japanese coinage first minted in 760 CE
sanbokan sour orange (Citrus sulcata)
vase; vessel for water used in an esoteric Buddhist baptism
hōei koban; koban coined during the Hōei period
1707 Hōei earthquake
coin used during the Hōei period (ca. 1708)
jewel; pearl; gemstone
shippō pattern (of overlapping circles)
shippō pattern (of overlapping circles)
endless knot; treasure knot; takaramusubi emblem (clan crest made of knots)
shippō pattern (of overlapping circles)
treasure mine
brown-spotted grouper (Epinephelus chlorostigma)
tiger cowrie (Cypraea tigris); tiger cowry
crimson bottlebrush; Callistemon citrinus
Hosta sieboldii (species of plantain lily)
triumphant star turban (species of turban shell, Guildfordia triumphans)
chocolate cowry (Mauritia mauritiana); humpback cowry
Enneapterygius etheostomus (species of threefin blenny)
erythaeid mite (Erythraeoidea spp.)
Examples (86 in total)
The jewel was stolen during the night.
He was accused of stealing the jewels.
She was captured trying to steal jewelry.