FrequencyTop 700-800
KankenLevel 3
Composed of
Used in kanji (1 in total)
Used in vocabulary (99 in total)
to collapse; to crumble; to get out of shape; to lose one's shape; to break down; to be thrown into disarray; to crash (stock market)
to destroy; to demolish; to disturb; to put into disorder; to relax (one's pose); to make oneself at ease; to break (a bill)
collapse; crumbling; breaking down; (radioactive) decay; disintegration
Examples (26 in total)
He collapsed at her feet.
The building crumbled to pieces three years ago.
The bridge couldn't sustain the force of the strong current and collapsed.
The building fell down suddenly.
The bridge collapsed.
The news was all about the collapse of the Soviet Union.
If you don't rest once in a while, you'll get sick.
His regime is bound to collapse.
Tom lost his balance and fell down.
The dam burst and water flooded the valley.
The road was blocked by an avalanche.
Above-ground bases cannot be built in valleys where avalanches are likely to occur.
Upon hearing the news, she broke down crying.
She broke down crying after hearing the incident.
After hearing the sad news, she broke down in tears.
The Cold War ended when the Soviet Union collapsed.
The country's economy is about to collapse.
The obsolete regime is about to collapse.
Hearing the sad news, she collapsed in tears.
During the Depression in the 1930's, many wealthy people lost everything in the stock market crash.
The Berlin Wall fell in November 1989.
Tom was twelve when the Berlin Wall fell.
The Berlin Wall fell in 1989.
His flawlessly ordered life collapsed when his drug-addict brothers appeared.
The bursting of Japan's so-called bubble economy sent shock waves through international markets.
The Tudor Dynasty fell in the year 1603.