to get; to earn; to understand; to comprehend; to receive something undesirable (e.g. a punishment); to get (ill)
consent; assent; agreement; understanding; comprehension; grasp
satisfaction; pride; one's strong point; one's forte; regular customer; regular client
impossible; unlikely; improbable
to know; to understand; to be aware of; to consent; to agree
persuasiveness; powers of persuasion; cogency
profit; advantage; benefit; rebirth in paradise, entering nirvana
paying for one's mistakes; getting one's just deserts; suffering the consequences (of one's own actions); reap what you sow
possible; likely; probable
to accept (e.g. an explanation); to be satisfied (with); to assent (to)
learning; acquisition (of a skill, knowledge, etc.)
strange; unfamiliar; mysterious; suspicious; (lit.) of an unknown nature
acquisition; obtaining; gaining possession; purchase
knowledge; understanding; rules; regulations; deputy; acting
profitable plan; good plan
impossible; unlikely; improbable
specialized weapon or skill; specialised weapon or skill
scoring; score; points made; marks obtained; goals; runs
economical; bargain; good value; good-value
to be to the point; to hit the mark; to be relevant
cannot be helped; unavoidable
one's field of expertise; one's strong area
consenting to; being convinced of; being satisfied; understanding
understanding; comprehension; grasp; perception; appreciation; mastery (of an art or skill)
to benefit; to profit; to gain; to reap rewards
perquisite; perk; side benefit; emoluments
cannot help (feeling); cannot hold back (tears, laughter, etc.)
possible; likely; probable
loss and gain; advantage and disadvantage
signature move (assoc. with a martial artist, wrestler, etc.); finishing move
unavoidably; inevitably; necessarily; reluctantly; against one's will
to end without incident; to not turn into something serious
weak point; unskillfulness
to be possible; to be likely; to be probable
hard to get; hard to come by
regular customer; valued client
mastery; learning through experience; realization; realisation; comprehension
cannot avoid doing; cannot help but (do); is compelled to do; (feel) obliged to (do); has to do
often (happens); tend to; be apt to; be likely to
learning; acquisition (of a skill, knowledge, etc.)
to fully understand and agree; to be convinced; to be fully satisfied (with an explanation)
to acquire a position; to hold an appointment
to do (a person) good; to bring profit
to achieve; to win; to gain; to attain
profit-and-loss arithmetic; calculating profit and loss; mercenary point of view
to gain the understanding (of); to obtain consent (from)
to have a narrow escape from death
strange; unfamiliar; mysterious; not knowing the true nature
bargain; good buy; budget
indescribable; exquisite; inexpressible; indefinable
hard to get; hard to come by
strong and weak points; likes and dislikes; strengths and weaknesses
(regular) customer; client; patron; clientele
excellent; very good; exultant; elated
regular customer; valued client
someone who is in their element; (lit.) fish that has found water
dramatic pose; grand gesture; grandstanding
to accept (e.g. an explanation); to be satisfied (with); to assent (to)
cannot be helped; unavoidable
gain; profit; benefit; amplification
imprudent (misguided) fellow
very improbable; vanishingly unlikely; only with a miracle
to become famous; to gain fame
deep realization (realisation); profound realization; one's faith being transmitted to a deity and one's wish then being granted; unexpectedly obtaining something
pose (in kabuki); posture
cannot help (doing); have no choice but to; am compelled to; am obliged to; it is incumbent upon (me) to
to be able to do; to be capable of doing
forced to use; forced into a position
killing two birds with one stone; serving two ends
who benefits (from that)?; who cares?; who would want that?; pointless; of benefit to no one; of interest to no one
to strike a pose (in kabuki); to assume a posture; to make a proud gesture; to put on an air of confidence; to speak boastfully
can do; may do; be capable of doing
being very good at; strongest point
number of votes polled; poll votes
unavoidably; inevitably; necessarily; reluctantly; against one's will
to gain nothing; to be of no benefit; to be no use; to be unprofitable
imprudence; misbehavior; misbehaviour; misunderstanding
to be inflated with pride
to be able to ...; can ...; to get; to acquire; to obtain
number of votes obtained (polled)
to withstand; to be able to endure
to get (e.g. the gist of something); to understand; to turn out as one thought
one's nature or personality; inherent; innate
to be able to do; to be capable of doing
vague; ambiguous; noncommittal; off-point
peculiarity; uniqueness; characteristic; understood only by oneself
as (much) as possible; as (far) as possible
to end without incident; to not turn into something serious
having consent (e.g. to do something); having (someone's) assent
money-saving feeling; bargain feeling
cannot avoid doing; cannot help but (do); is compelled to do; (feel) obliged to (do); has to do
self-satisfaction; self-complacency; understanding (on one's own); realizing (through one's own ability); being paid back for one's deeds
impossible; unthinkable; unimaginable
good customer; prime customer; valued clientele
regular customer; valued client
to be to the point; to be pertinent
to end without incident; to not turn into something serious
nothing ventured, nothing gained; (lit.) you will not get the tiger cub without entering the tiger's den
becoming a monk; entering priesthood
possible; probable; likely
selfishness; self-interest
(the privilege to have) an audience (with one's lord, a dignitary, etc.); interview (with one's superior); one's debut (first) appearance; debut (of a new product, work of art, actor, etc.); trial service (of a servant)
self-willed; (doing or saying things) to suit one's own convenience
nothing ventured, nothing gained; (lit.) you will not get the tiger cub without entering the tiger's den
scoreless (game or competition)
to be skillful (skilful); to be clever
to receive a favorable reputation; to get good reviews; to meet with a favorable reception
acquisition of a qualification
the early bird gets the worm
to fully understand and agree; to be convinced; to be fully satisfied (with an explanation)
cannot be helped; unavoidable
advantages and disadvantages; plus and minuses
if you run after two hares you will catch neither
finding (lost property); picking up
innate; inherent; natural; inborn
acquisition of foreign currency
impossible; unthinkable; unimaginable
to get benefit from; to profit from; to gain benefit
you've hit the nail on the head; that's just what I thought; that's exactly like I feel; that's exactly what I think, too
(the privilege to have) an audience (with one's lord, a dignitary, etc.); interview (with one's superior); one's debut (first) appearance; debut (of a new product, work of art, actor, etc.); trial service (of a servant)
acquiring; obtaining; receiving
frequent customer; good customer; client
unavoidably; inevitably; necessarily; reluctantly; against one's will
carrying out mercenary deeds; having a mercenary attitude; calculating
to employ the right person; to choose somebody with the right qualities
the unobtainable (that which cannot be known)
low income group; low income class
possible; probable; likely
unwise plan; bad policy; inexpediency
advantages and disadvantages; pros and cons
person on top of the income scale; top earner
income concealment; (income) tax evasion
interview; stage debut; first appearance; meeting; trial for a servant
you must lose a fly to catch a trout; sometimes the best gain is to lose
finder (of lost property)
even (of a trade); no advantage and no disadvantage
disposable income; disposable personal income; DPI
goal difference; goal differential
getting what one wants by complaining or grumbling; profiting by holding out or taking a hard line; getting more by raising a ruckus
large income earner; people in the higher income brackets
to be brief and to the point; to be succinct
readily; very eagerly; without moment's hesitation
to be well-timed; to be timely; to be opportune
having no income; state of nonattachment; lack of attachment; not seeking anything
readily; very eagerly; without moment's hesitation
emoluments; additional profits
worth; merit; value; good point; redeeming feature; saving grace
score board; scoring board
tax deduction; deduction from taxable income; income exemptions and deductions
to be just about right; to be quite appropriate
to get; to acquire; to obtain; to be possible
to understand the essence; to catch the main points
carrying out mercenary deeds; having a mercenary attitude; calculating
specialty school graduate
total income; gross earnings
acquired characteristics (as opposed to inherited)
to be possible; to be likely; to be probable
appreciating fully (e.g. work of art)
innate idea; innate ideas
scorer (goals, runs, etc.)
cannot help (doing); have no choice but to; am compelled to; am obliged to; it is incumbent upon (me) to
having consent (e.g. to do something); having (someone's) assent
economical; economy size; family size (esp. of packaged food)
to achieve; to win; to gain; to attain
gaining some and losing some; (something having its) advantages and disadvantages
hard to understand; hard to accept
acquisition or forfeiture; acquisition (question of whether or not something is acquired)
even (of a trade); no advantage and no disadvantage
indescribable; exquisite; inexpressible; indefinable
pension replacement rate; income substitution rate (of the public pension)
bargain; good buy; budget
profit; gains; (one's) share; portion; (arch.) earnings from land tax (feudal Japan)
cannot avoid doing; cannot help but (do); is compelled to do; (feel) obliged to (do); has to do
the pain of not getting what one seeks
to be in order; to be right
you must lose a fly to catch a trout; sometimes the best gain is to lose
unique; peculiar; special
to hoist one's sail when the wind is fair; to get one's time to shine
regular customer; valued client
gross national income; GNI
getting what one wants by complaining or grumbling; profiting by holding out or taking a hard line; getting more by raising a ruckus
usucaption; acquisitive prescription; positive prescription
unavoidably; inevitably; necessarily; reluctantly; against one's will
automobile acquisition tax
economical; bargain; good value; good-value
acquisitive prescription; positive prescription
coursework completed without degree; withdrawal from a course having completed the coursework
impossible; unlikely; improbable
having thought for neither gain nor greed; only wanting to do something (thinking about nothing else)
never being satisfied with what one gets, and always wanting more; giving someone an inch and having them take a mile; (lit.) taking Gansu only to want Sichuan
forced to use; forced into a position
you must lose a fly to catch a trout; sometimes the best gain is to lose
miscellaneous (sundry) incomes
carrying out mercenary deeds; having a mercenary attitude; calculating
money-saving feeling; bargain feeling
real estate acquisition tax
income certificate; certificate of earnings
persuasiveness; skilled in the art of persuasion
Special Income Tax for Reconstruction (of areas affected by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami)
worth; merit; value; good point; redeeming feature; saving grace
to end without incident; to not turn into something serious
to achieve; to win; to gain; to attain
bargain; good buy; budget
bargain; good buy; budget
having consent (e.g. to do something); having (someone's) assent
carrying out mercenary deeds; having a mercenary attitude; calculating
to get benefit from; to profit from; to gain benefit
you've hit the nail on the head; that's just what I thought; that's exactly like I feel; that's exactly what I think, too
to understand the essence; to catch the main points
hard to understand; hard to accept
unavoidably; inevitably; necessarily; reluctantly; against one's will
unavoidably; inevitably; necessarily; reluctantly; against one's will
you must lose a fly to catch a trout; sometimes the best gain is to lose
no retribution for a samurai killing a commoner
if necessary; when unavoidable
if necessary; when unavoidable
income tax withheld at the source
minimum number of votes required to elect a candidate
beyond one's comprehension; beyond one's grasp
instantaneous acquisition model
wrestler's favourite (favorite) grip on the belt
win of a low-ranked wrestler in the extra eighth bout in the tournament
loss of a low-ranked wrestler in the extra eighth bout in the tournament
Even a fool may sometimes come up with a good idea
Even a fool may sometimes give good counsel
guide to office routine; guide to the performance of official duties
not letting oneself puffed up by one's success; maintaining a serene state of mind when one has achieved a great success
even a fool may sometimes give good counsel
income elasticity of demand
Gini coefficient; Gini's coefficient
permanent income hypothesis
cannot help (doing); have no choice but to
acquired idea (as opposed to innate); acquired ideas
advanced standing (in school or college); credit for prior studies
AGC; automatic gain control
support for medical treatment for those on low income; Medicaid
national disposable income
even fools can give good counsel
to get more than one requests; (lit.) to beg for water and receive wine
cost of acquisition; acquisition cost
cannot be helped; unavoidable
income tax cut; income tax reduction
calamity, good fortune, success and failure
income-based levy; per income levy; taxation on income basis
income-based levy; per income levy; taxation on income basis
profiting by escaping (from punishment, payment, etc.)
gain of tempo (shogi, othello)
weaselsnout (Lagotis glauca)