sign (of something)
FrequencyTop 1300-1400
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 4
Old form
Composed of
stand still
folding chair
Used in kanji (1 in total)
punish and teach a lesson
Used in vocabulary (68 in total)
feature; trait; characteristic; peculiarity; distinction
(abstract) symbol; emblem; representation
collection (of fees, taxes, etc.); levy
conscription; (military) draft; (compulsory) enlistment
tax collection; taxation
sign; indication; omen; symptom
sign; indication; call; summons; requisition; expropriation
requisition; commandeering; conscription
drafting; requisition; impressment; commandeering; expropriation
sign; indication; omen
levying; requisitioning; compulsory enlistment; recruitment; conscription
secondary sex characteristic
enlistment; recruitment
sexual characteristics
to make characteristic; to characterize
to collect; to solicit; to seek; to look for evidence; to check; to summon
to be a sign of; to be an omen for
symbolism (19th-century artistic movement)
physical examination (given at conscription)
appearing on the surface; symbol; sign; distinguishing mark; diagnostic character
the symbolist school
conscription; draft system
conscription ordinance; conscription law; draft; Conscription Ordinance (1873-1927)
to make characteristic; to characterize
exemption from military service; draft exemption
collection of additional taxes
additional collection; additional imposition; surcharge; forfeit; penalty
charges (i.e. fees)
fourth degree (of the Japanese and Chinese pentatonic scale)
distinguishing mark
tax withholding at the source
draft evasion; evading conscription
supplementary charge; additional collection
drafted (factory) worker; conscripted worker; forced laborer
omen; portent; sign; premonition; harbinger; precursor
appearing on the surface; symbol; sign; distinguishing mark; diagnostic character
evading military service; draft dodging
note a semitone below the fourth degree of the Chinese and Japanese pentatonic scale
Characterization (mathematics)
secondary sex characteristic
the emperor as a symbol of Japan; symbolic emperor
tax certificate slip; statement of earnings; tax-income certificate
primary sexual characteristic
National Requisition Ordinance (1939)
drafting; requisition; impressment; commandeering; expropriation
lucky omen; good omen
leniency policy; addition to Japan's antitrust law that allows lower fines for the first company involved in a cartel, etc. to admit their involvement
sensitive; touchy; delicate
museum (esp. with collections of old objects)
demand; requirement
draft refuser; draft objector
Examples (26 in total)
The use of bright colors is one of the features of his paintings.
The statue expresses freedom.
Cherry blossoms are considered a symbol of Japan.