clear the way
FrequencyTop 1900-2000
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
left hand
Used in vocabulary (24 in total)
reclamation (e.g. wasteland); cultivation; development; pioneering; opening up (e.g. new market); breaking new ground
to open (e.g. path); to clear (the way); to break up (e.g. land)
to cut open; to clear (land); to cut (a path, road, etc.); to carve out (a new career, future, etc.); to open up (a new field)
pioneer; settler; colonist
undeveloped (area); unexplored (field of study); wild (areas); untapped area
reclaimed land; cleared land; area opened for development
to open up a path; to clear a path; to open up doors; to pave the way
ink rubbing of a fish; (making a) fish print; (taking a) fish impression; snapshot of a web page (to preserve its contents); archive
land reclamation (from sea)
early-Meiji administrative unit for Hokkaido (1869-1882)
rubbed copy; folio of rubbings
colonization; colonisation; development; settlement; exploitation
Japanese colonists of Manchuria and Inner Mongolia
colonization; colonisation; development; settlement; exploitation
open sesame!
developing a way or means
to open up unbroken land
(making a) print with a female body
Examples (5 in total)
The settlers learned that the land in the valley was fertile.
The pioneers met with many dangers.
Pioneer men and women had a hard life, and so did their children.