grab and hold
FrequencyTop 1400-1500
KankenLevel 2
Composed of
left hand

Use your hand to grab someone and your foot to hold him down.

Used in vocabulary (18 in total)
to catch; to capture; to grasp (e.g. meaning); to perceive; to captivate; to move (one's heart)
capture; seizure; prehension; apprehension; understanding; grasp
to be caught; to be captured; to be taken prisoner; to be seized with (fear, etc.); to be a slave to; to stick to
to grab; to clutch; to catch hold of (someone); to stop (e.g. a stranger in the street); towards (someone); at (someone)
to impress; to charm
hard to figure out; elusive; slippery; vague; subtle
to be caught; to be arrested; to hold on to; to grasp; to find (e.g. proof); to get (e.g. a taxi)
to pounce on someone's words; to cavil at someone's words; to trip someone up with their own words
to grasp the meaning
grasping (a meaning)
hard to figure out; elusive; slippery; vague; subtle
key (to understanding); point (e.g. of an argument)
to seize; to catch; to obtain; to acquire; to understand; to grasp
to be seized with fear; to be seized with panic
hard to figure out; elusive; slippery; vague; subtle
trying to reach above one's station and failing; trying to accomplish something beyond one's abilities and failing; (lit.) monkey catching (a reflection of) the moon (in the water)
grasping (with one's bare hands); holding; grabbing; seizing; catching