be in possession
FrequencyTop 300-400
Kyōiku (3rd grade) 
KankenLevel 8
Composed of
by one's side
Used in kanji (9 in total)
follow as one's told
fall into corruption
Used in vocabulary (777 in total)
famous; fame
joint ownership; co-ownership; sharing (e.g. a viewpoint); sharing (files, devices on a network, posts on social media, etc.)
valid; effective; yuko (judo)
advantageous; favourable; better; profitable; lucrative; gainful
characteristic (of); peculiar (to)
to have; to possess; to own; to be endowed with
state; condition; the way things should be; ideal state; truth
one's possessions; ownership
existence or nonexistence; presence or absence; consent or refusal; yes or no
able; capable; competent; talented; efficient
influential; prominent; strong; likely; plausible
celebrity; famous person; public figure; big name
to be; to exist; to have; to be located; to be equipped with; to happen
existence; possession; having; limited company
characteristic; traditional; peculiar; inherent; native; eigen-
significant; useful; meaningful; worthwhile; valuable; of interest
beneficial; profitable; useful; helpful; instructive
possession; retention; maintenance
impossible; unlikely; improbable
useful; helpful
grateful; thankful; welcome; appreciated; evoking gratitude
grateful; thankful; welcome; appreciated; evoking gratitude
property; possession
prominent; leading; foremost; distinguished
influential person; man of importance
to gain an advantage; to enjoy an advantage; to turn the tables (on)
to be superfluous; to be in excess; to be more than enough
guilt; culpability
ownership; dominion; ownership rights; proprietorship; property rights
harmful; hazardous
finite; limited
existing (at the present moment); alright; acceptable; to be (usu. of inanimate objects); to have
state; condition; the way things should be; ideal state; truth
good prospects; full of hope; promising
interested person; volunteer; supporter
mob; the masses; rabble; riffraff
peremptorily; willy-nilly; forcibly
rare; uncommon
possible; likely; probable
ecstasy; highest heaven
possession; occupation; occupancy
to make good use of; to use to one's advantage
thank you; thanks
of great promise; with a promising future
to be possible; to be likely; to be probable
unprecedented; unheard-of; record-breaking
fee-charging; paid; not free; toll road
indefinite; hazy; vague; unsettled; undecided
bhava (becoming, existence)
as it is; frankly
peremptorily; willy-nilly; forcibly
money on hand
salaried; with pay; vacation; (paid) holiday
rare; uncommon
dawn (sometimes esp. in ref. to the 16th day of the lunar month onward)
demesne; estate; private land; private property
manned; occupied; piloted
carrying out one's words; being as good as one's word; making good on one's promise
organic; coordinated; working in a coordinated fashion
wired; cabled; communication by wire
most likely contender; prime candidate; top prospect; leading candidate
validity; effectiveness
(involving) payment; (involving) compensation; paying a fee
poisonous; toxic
(eligible) voter; elector; holder of a right; rightsholder; bigwig; person with political clout
unprecedented; unheard-of; record-breaking
expert; knowledgeable person; authority (on a subject)
major contender; strong (leading) candidate; front runner
since the dawn of history
paid vacation; paid holiday
strongest (candidate); likeliest (winner); top (suspect)
scope; valid range; coverage
famous (commercial) establishment; well-known store (shop, restaurant)
owner; possessor; holder; carrier
guilty verdict; judgment of guilty (judgement)
possession (esp. of a territory)
containing (an ingredient, mineral, etc.)
promising stock; stock with potential; hopeful stock; promising person; person with good prospects
to say; to speak; to tell; to talk
organic body; organism
private ownership
capable; able; talented; promising
thank you; thanks
term of validity; expiration date (of medicine, credit card, etc.)
exclusive possession; sole ownership; monopoly
demesne; belonging
one of Japan's foremost; leading in Japan
territorial right; dominion
in name but not in reality
person holding a dan rank; black belt (martial arts); dan player (go, shogi)
tangible; corporeal
advantage or disadvantage
content (of a mineral, etc.)
noxious gas; poisonous gas; toxic fumes
plentiful; abundant; definitely extant
tangible and intangible; material and spiritual
endemic species
to qualify (as); to have the qualifications (for ...); to be entitled to; to have a claim (for)
significant; meaningful; intentional; volitional
(bringing to a) perfect end; (rounding off with a) crowning achievement; successful conclusion; triumphant finish
big-name brand; brand-name goods
material; tangible; concrete
androgynous; hermaphroditic
presence or absence; whether something is there or not; whether something happens or not
price of fame; penalty of greatness
value; worth; virtue; blessing
to be grateful; to feel grateful; to be thankful
value; worth; virtue; blessing
all things; all creation; universal
on hand; readily available
licensed or qualified or eligible person
present; existing
marketable securities; stocks and bonds
virtuous; rich
probable; likely
a little more than; a little over; upwards of; (arch.) excess; (arch.) surplus; (arch.) remainder
content by percentage
state-owned land
national ownership; state ownership; government ownership
unwelcome favor; unwelcome favour; misplaced kindness
sentient beings; humaneness; compassion
more than ... years; -odd years
nationalization; nationalisation
nonexistent; unreal; imaginary; spurious
regarding as very likely (to win, succeed, etc.)
related to the teachings of Buddha; able to be saved by Buddha; related; relevant
famous school or university
limited company; company structure for small businesses, abolished in 2006 (YK)
organic vegetables; organically grown vegetables
right of possession
influential newspaper; leading newspaper
thankfully; fortunately; luckily; mercifully
well-informed; learned
people of color (colour); non-white races
value; worth; virtue; blessing
mutability (of worldly affairs); fleeting shifts and changes (of human life)
thank you very much
recorded in history; historical
possible; likely; probable
the truth; fact; as it is; as you are; frank; bare plain
organic farming; organic cultivation
all that one has; all that there is; the whole
rational number
the unvarnished truth
all; as much as possible
term of validity; period for which something is valid (e.g. ticket)
joint owners; part owners
characteristic vibration; normal mode
poisonous substance; toxic substance
having special circumstances (e.g. problems, issues, advantages, flaws, defects, etc.); imperfect (merchandise); with defects
well-known and unknown; somebodies and nobodies; both famous and humble
Coalition of the Willing (nations who supported America's preemptive strike in Iraq in 2003)
meaningful; suggestive; telling; significant; pregnant (pause etc.)
more harm than good; harmful and of no use
impossible; unthinkable; unimaginable
discrimination; historical school of poetic thought; attachment; distractions
government-owned; state-owned
fault; responsibility; culpability
perpetual change caused by karma; vicissitudes of life; that which is made
sexual reproduction; zoogamy
harmful literature; harmful book; harmful reading matter
rich; wealthy
to accept (a thing) with thanks
manned mission (e.g. space probe)
possible; probable; likely
private ownership; private property
public servant; government official
appearing to have; seeming to be
private possession
existence or nonexistence; presence or absence; consent or refusal; yes or no
colored; coloured
common property or characteristic
partial ownership; possession in portions
value; worth; virtue; blessing
having a romantic interest; (lit.) having a pulse
wrong; groundless; different; separate; unexpected; surprising
definite (period or term)
signed; sealed; having a signature or seal
tangible cultural properties
mixture of fact and fiction; half-truth
Arita ware (porcelain)
guilty verdict; guilty as charged
occupant; possessor; occupier
propertied; monied
nuclear power; nuclear state
significance (esp. in statistics)
to get; to obtain; to come by; to find
to have (urgent) business; to have something one needs to attend to; to have something one wants to say (to someone)
unwelcome favor; unwelcome favour; misplaced kindness
public land; common
organic agriculture (farming)
all those interested (in the matter); all those willing; (from) all of us; (from) everyone concerned
all (there is); as long as there is
living thing; animate
accidental quality (philosophy, logic); accidence
untonsured (monk or priest or nun)
all; every
nonexistence or existence; absence or presence
we have a result!; game over!; match!
preparedness; possession
bardo; state (or period) of intermediate existence between one's death and rebirth (in Japan, 49 days)
carrying out to the end; bringing to completion
organic electroluminescence
public ownership; public domain
landline telephone; fixed-line telephone
to accept (a thing) with thanks
occupancy (rate); share (e.g. of market)
possession; enjoyment
finiteness; finitude
so slight as to be all but non-existent
studies in usages and practices of the ancient court and military households
unbelievable (extent)
holding a job; being employed; (arch.) being learned; (arch.) being knowledgeable; (arch.) having great artistic talent; (arch.) being a skilled performer
the unvarnished truth
possible; likely; probable
mixture of fact and fiction; half-truth
the propertied class; bourgeoisie
covered; roofed; lidded
rational; rational (number or function)
state-owned enterprise; SOE
to happen to be present
innateness; innate feature (or character, etc.)
significant difference; statistical significance
government property; government owned
on hand; readily available
streak of good luck
changing from free to paid (e.g. a service); starting to charge
voiced; vocal
aerobic; with oxygen
all that one has; all that there is; the whole
to be superfluous; to be in excess; to be more than enough
theism; belief in existence of a god or gods
to be reduced to ashes
having a very promising future; offering promising prospects
clearly; distinctly; vividly
(when) the time of need arises; should an emergency occur
frequent; common; usual
to happen to be available; to have on hand; to have in stock
organic fertilizer; organic fertiliser
unsurprising; trite; commonplace; mundane; hackneyed; garden variety (of)
frequent; common; usual
to have a limit; to go too far (e.g. joke)
realm of existence
the instant of birth (rebirth)
intellectual property rights
private ownership
of all things
chromatic color; chromatic colour
being good; being virtuous; virtuous person
to be burned to ashes; to come to nothing
annual securities report; asset securities reports
privately owned forest
inclusion; to include; to comprise
to get; to obtain; to come by; to find
ratio of job openings to job applicants
having a husband; being married
lacking in some desired property (size, usefulness, etc.)
influential quarters
joint resource; shared resource
to have an idea; to have a clue
thankfully; fortunately; luckily; mercifully
vocalization; vocalisation; voicing
thoughtful; considerate; sensible; prudent; having good taste; discerning
thank you very much
the instant of death
having experienced (something); having had the experience (of)
there are no rebels without reasons
foraminifer; foraminiferan
every conceivable; every single; every possible; all kinds of
finite; limited; restricted
private land; privately-owned land
definite term (of a prison sentence)
to be effective; to be fruitful; to be worthwhile; to be worth; to be rewarded; to pay off
photo-sharing (e.g. app, website, service, etc.); photograph sharing
valuable (object); negotiable (instrument)
wrong direction; different direction (from what one expected)
interest-bearing liabilities; interest-bearing debt; debt with interest; liability with interest
possession of nuclear weapons
to have good luck
owning together; combination
Coalition of the Willing (nations who supported America's preemptive strike in Iraq in 2003)
state; condition; circumstances; sight; spectacle
dawn (sometimes esp. in ref. to the 16th day of the lunar month onward)
intentional; significant
to happen to be available; to have on hand; to have in stock
organic phosphorus; organophosphorus
situation (turn of events) being favorable (advantageous)
annual securities report; asset securities reports
ecstasy; highest heaven
Japanese National Railways (1949-1987)
temporary existence
to be advantageous; to be a favorite (to win)
village-owned; village property
all that one has; all that there is; the whole
having an accident
eligibility (e.g. to perform a job); qualification; licence
arteria hepatica propria; hepatic artery proper; proper hepatic artery
every conceivable; every single; every possible; all kinds of
company-owned land
on hand; readily available
objection!; question!
rationalization (modifying part of an irrational expression, esp. denominators, to exclude roots or irrational numbers)
having both
leading newspaper; prestigious newspaper
to be; to exist; to be (honorific copula)
improbable; unlikely
half again of a designated unit
Squamata; order of scaled reptiles; Pholidota (order of pangolins)
perceptible earthquake
harmful website; malicious website
directed graph; digraph
popular theory; widely-accepted theory
the sentient world; all sentient beings
for a certain reason; owing to unavoidable circumstances
matter (thing, concept) of high (vital, extreme) importance
poison; poisonous substance
to be superfluous; to be in excess; to be more than enough
to have a pulse; to be alive; to have a chance; to be not altogether hopeless
thank you for your continued patronage
utopia; (natural) paradise
valuable; worthwhile; worthy; worth doing
to be in one's debt
hopeful (promising or strong) candidate
owned by the city
able person; person of talent
volunteer who receives payment (cash, goods, etc.)
authoritative interpretation (of a law); binding interpretation
paying loan installments whenever one happens to have money (instalments)
unit owner (in a condominium or other multi-unit building)
Caudata; Urodela; order comprising the salamanders
portable paper lantern for walking at night
finitely generated; of finite type
said; aforementioned
holding a right (e.g. to vote, copyright); eligibility; having clout; having (political) power
being owned by the Tokyo metropolitan government
impossible; unlikely; improbable
something material; tangible object
pork tapeworm (Taenia solium)
legislation to deal with emergencies
beneficial and harmless
rationalization (modifying part of an irrational expression, esp. denominators, to exclude roots or irrational numbers)
the way something ought to be; the (current) state of things; how things are
factory mark; manufacturing plant identification mark (on goods)
pogonophoran (any worm of phylum Pogonophora)
sentient and nonsentient beings
the multitudes; the people
to have the memory of having done something oneself
nonexistent; not being (there); unpossessed; unowned; not had
Mainland China
real estate with a flaw that reduces its price; stigmatized property
contemplation on concrete, tangible things
uncalled for; unnecessary; gratuitous
as one would expect; just as you'd expect (from); still; all the same; even ... (e.g. "even a genius")
waza-ari (in judo, a half-point awarded for good but incomplete execution)
seeming to have a problem, issue, etc.
rational expression
closed-circuit television; community antenna television; CATV; pay TV
(rights to) industrial property
owned by the prefecture
all rights reserved; copyright reserved
to happen to be available; to have on hand; to have in stock
limited liability company (US, Australia, etc.); LLC
Ariake Station (Tokyo)
to have learning; to be educated
significant digit
all that one has; all that there is; the whole
ctenophore (aquatic invertebrate of the phylum Ctenophora)
unlawful detention (of shipping); unlawful occupation (of a house or land)
municipal property
significance level; level of significance; critical p-value
patterned (e.g. clothes, pottery); figured
Squamata (order of scaled reptiles); Pholidota (order of pangolins)
effective strength; current strength
to be hard to deal with; to be an eccentric; to be idiosyncratic
Ctenophora (phylum comprising the comb jellies)
yūsoku cuisine; banquet cuisine based on that of Heian period nobility
casual; indifferent; nonchalant
people's ownership; publicly owned
directed; oriented
perforated; porous
to be beneficial to; to be efficacious
based on; originating from
tangible fixed assets; tangible property; property, plant and equipment; PPE
anyhow; in any case
anyhow; in any case
the truth; fact; as it is; as you are; frank; bare plain
unworthy; unbecoming; improper
courageous; brave; bold; valiant
as it is; frankly
in truth; as it is; as you are; in practice
to be estranged
while there is life, there is hope; without life, there is nothing; don't waste your life
faithful; sincere
good fences make good neighbors; a hedge between keeps friendship green
good fences make good neighbors; a hedge between keeps friendship green
good luck!; all the best
having experienced (something); having had the experience (of)
thank you for your continued patronage
the unthinkable
all that one has; all that there is; the whole
a wise man keeps some of his talents in reserve; one shouldn't show off; the person who knows most often says least; (lit.) a skilled hawk hides its talons
educated; learned; schooled
greatness is comparative; there is always someone better than you
to have occasion to do
to get benefit from; to profit from; to gain benefit
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree; like father, like son
to happen to be available; to have on hand; to have in stock
fortunate; happy; lucky
appearing to have; seeming to be
rich; wealthy
Arita ware (porcelain)
being learned; being knowledgeable; having great artistic talent; being a skilled performer; being well-versed in usages or practices of the court or military households
imperfect product (sold at a discounted price); defect merchandise
having a wife; being married
with a nonchalant air
in stock; in inventory
stinging (barbed) words; harsh language
I think, therefore I am; cogito, ergo sum
good things come to those who wait; (lit.) if you wait, there will come a fine day for taking the sea route
to happen to be available; to have on hand; to have in stock
seeming to have a problem, issue, etc.
to have both the looks and the substance; to be a compassionate and just person; to be interesting and instructive
unsurprising; trite; commonplace; mundane; hackneyed; garden variety (of)
any time now (waiting, hoping for something to happen)
if you do a favor for somebody, you will get a return favor; (lit.) if a fish is friendly toward water, water will be kind to the fish too; you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
there are brief moments of leisure even when at one's busiest
after pleasure comes pain; there is no pleasure without pain; there is no rose without a thorn; take the good with the bad
of rank; of noble birth
imperfect product (sold at a discounted price); defect merchandise
ideal; desirable; the way something should be; target; goal
state (or period) of life
to be thankful; to feel grateful; to show one's gratitude
no pain, no gain; no cross, no crown
vacant rooms available
there are wheels within wheels; there's more than meets the eye
dignified without being overbearing; being dignified, and moreover warm, as such one is gentle
it is so; it is as such
tenth month of the lunar calendar
if you are prepared you don't have to worry; 'tis good to have a shelter against every storm; when one is prepared, difficulties do not come
rice stocks
rice stocks
interesting; meaningful
significant digit
significant figures; significant digits
monopoly; exclusive right (to)
remnants (cloth)
remnants (cloth)
aspirate; aspirated consonant
brightly colored vegetables; brightly coloured vegetables
vocalization; vocalisation
definite inflorescence
amount on hand
farming complemented by raising livestock
dividend-paying (stock)
soft or bituminous coal
an onerous contract; contract made for a consideration
to help each other; to complement
urodeles (tailed amphibians)
brilliant; shining; splendid; glorious
on the first opportunity
to have a strong pull
asset holding company (esp. Commonwealth countries)
World Intellectual Property Organization (Organisation); WIPO
organic waste
having free time to spare in the midst of busyness; leisure in the intervals of one's work
beside oneself with joy; in raptures; in an ecstasy of delight
knowledgeable and experienced person
(a Buddhist monk or priest or nun) without head shaven and not wearing religious garb
organic dye (optical disc media)
home is wherever one lays one's hat; you can make your living anywhere in this world; there's room for us all in the world; (lit.) wherever there are humans, there are burial places
home is wherever one lays one's hat; you can make your living anywhere in this world; there's room for us all in the world; (lit.) wherever there are humans, there are burial places
velvet worm (Onychophora)
the four stages of existence: birth, life, death, and limbo
dignified without being overbearing; being dignified, and moreover warm, as such one is gentle
dignified without being overbearing; being dignified, and moreover warm, as such one is gentle
pterygotes (winged insects)
pterygote (winged insect)
innate idea; innate ideas
Bacillus coagulans, species of lactic acid-forming Bacillus bacteria
fuyu (variety of sweet Japanese persimmon)
as is; in (its) present state; in (its) present condition
to be; to exist
shared (communication) medium
Total Cost of Ownership
significant digit arithmetic
calligraphic display device; directed beam display device
worried look; troubled face
conjugal property; joint ownership property of husband and wife
good fences make good neighbors; a hedge between keeps friendship green
honey in one's mouth but a razor in one's belt
no mortal escapes death; all men must die; (lit.) he who has life, certainly has death
don't despair because you're the last to take your pick; you can find treasures in leftovers; one man's trash is another's treasure
worker with a fixed term contract of employment
infringement of intellectual property rights
chromoplast; chromoplastid
noxious plant; harmful plant
proper map; map such that the inverse image of a compact set is compact
state-owned land; crown land (UK, Australia, etc.)
a virtuous family enjoys long prosperity; one's good deeds shall be repaid even to one's descendants
commercially owned land
poisonous fungus; poisonous mushroom
symplesiomorphy; ancestral trait shared by two or more taxa
synthetic organic chemistry; organic synthetic chemistry
mafic mineral; colored mineral; coloured mineral; dark mineral
state-owned forests and fields
collateral securities; substitute securities
salted; with salt
test of significance; significance test
potential heat; residual heat
inclusion; enclave; enclosure
person reporting to have symptoms (of a disease, etc.)
building consisting of individually owned units, shops, etc.; strata title building; sectional title complex; condominium
privately owned parts of a multi-unit building (e.g. the individual units; as opposed to the jointly-owned common areas, etc.); exclusive element
unit ownership (in a condominium or other multi-unit building); unit ownership rights
as is; in (its) present state; in (its) present condition
exorheic lake; open lake
ungulate; hoofed animal
spinocellular carcinoma; squamous-cell carcinoma; prickle cell carcinoma
having a wife; being married
organic thin-film solar cell; plastic solar cell
limited liability partnership; limited liability business partnership; LLP
characteristic polynomial
desirable; ideal
to bring into existence; to make be; to let be
value; virtue; blessing
value; virtue; blessing
Examples (200 in total)
Are you famous?
That house is famous.
That's a famous mountain.