FrequencyTop 1300-1400
Kyōiku (5th grade) 
KankenLevel 6
Composed of

Every tree is supported by its branches.

Used in vocabulary (99 in total)
branch; bough; limb; twig; sprig; spray
branches and leaves; foliage; unimportant details; nonessentials; side issue
twig; spray
Examples (20 in total)
The tree spread its branches abroad.
The cat hid among the branches.
The branch broke under the weight of the snow.
Don't break the branches.
The branch began to bend as I climbed along it.
The bough bent under the weight of the snow.
He cut off a branch from the tree.
He chopped down the branch with an ax.
He cut some branches off the tree.
Can you build a fire with twigs?
He cut a twig from the tree with his knife.
Birds build nests of twigs.
The lamp was suspended from the branch of a tree.
The branch bent but did not break.
The waterways branch out across the plain.
An olive branch symbolizes peace.
He cut away the dead branches from the tree.
Look, look! On the branch of the orange tree, there is a blue hermit crab!
Edamame tastes best when freshly picked.
The tree has too many twigs and branches.