investigation; examination; inquiry; enquiry; survey
search (esp. in criminal investigations); investigation; inquiry; enquiry
inspection (e.g. customs, factory); examination; scan (e.g. MRI, PET, etc.)
judging; inspection; examination; investigation; review
police officer; policeman; constable
probe; inquiry; enquiry; investigation
close investigation; careful examination; scrutiny
assessment (of value, damages, etc.); revision (of a budget)
police investigator; investigator
investigator (usu. of criminal cases)
(criminal) investigation headquarters
physical examination; medical checkup; frisking; pat-down; search
inspection; audit; judgement; judgment
research team; investigative team; survey team; reconnaissance team; investigative commission; fact-finding party
inquiry commission; enquiry commission; research group
inspection (for compliance); investigation (tax, etc.)
thorough checkup; complete examination; complete physical; detailed testing
inquiry; enquiry; hearing
report (of an investigation); investigation (investigative) report
examination; consideration; test; quiz
scanning (e.g. TV); traversal
(personal) background check
fact-finding survey based on interviews; oral survey; interview survey
re-examination; reinvestigation
re-examination; reinspection; retest
compulsory investigation; compulsory search
inspection of personal belongings (e.g. before entering a venue)
examiner; investigator; inquisitor; agent
research division; inquiry section
immigration check; immigration inspection
written investigation; report of an investigation; school record (on a student); transcript (of grades)
inspector; examiner; auditor
criminal investigation department; CID; criminal investigation section
inspector; auditor; examiner; comptroller
field survey; field work (research); on-the-spot investigation
scientific crime detection; forensic investigation
(private) investigation company; research agency
follow-up (tracing) survey
probity check; background investigation
right to investigate; investigatory power
sting operation; undercover investigation
research office; research division; inquiry section
identity or background check (often to see if someone is a burakumin)
excavation (usu. archeological); dig
initial investigation (by police)
fact-finding investigation; investigation into actual conditions; fact-finding survey
carry-on baggage inspection
investigating authorities; law enforcement authority
sting operation; undercover investigation
periodic inspection; regular inspection
criminal investigation squad (team)
house search (e.g. by the police)
survey; exploration; field investigation
court of inquiry; court of enquiry
spot check; snap inspection; surprise test
examiner (e.g. patent examiner)
on-the-spot inspection; on-site inspection
pregnancy test kit; pregnancy test
attitude survey; opinion poll
open criminal investigation
urine analysis; urinalysis
research organization; investigative body
diagnostic agent (esp. pregnancy test)
unmanned probe (vessel, spacecraft, etc.)
special investigation headquarter
supervisory auditor; member of inspection committee
examination method; method of investigation; search procedure
chief examiner or investigator
DNA test; genetic test; genetic testing
physical examination (given at conscription)
examine (investigate into) a person's history
tax inquiry; tax enquiry; tax investigation
search for corroborative evidence
investigation (to determine the cause of something)
PCR test; polymerase chain reaction test
research bureau; research service; research council
tax system research commission; tax system research council; select committee on the taxation system; tax commission
manned mission (e.g. space probe)
(police) legwork; house-to-house inquiry; canvassing; investigation carried out by questioning neighbours, bystanders, etc.
chief investigator; head of the investigation; lead investigator
Japanese hawthorn (Crataegus cuneata); may; quickthorn; whitethorn
(Japanese) Public Security Intelligence Agency
method of examination or inspection
departure inspection (when leaving a country)
Cabinet Information Research Office
visa; endorsing (e.g. a passport); stamping
research investigation; research survey
preliminary investigation
compulsory inspection; compulsory search
ultrasound scan; echographic examination
immigration officer; immigration inspector
inspector; gauger; passer
prescreen; pre-screening; prior inspection; preliminary review; pre-vetting
assistant (to section manager)
checking and receiving (an invoice, goods, etc.); receipt
parliamentary investigation rights
assistant chief of staff, g2
Committee for the Inquest of Prosecution
laboratory test; clinical examination
judicial review (e.g. of the constitutionality of a law)
physical examination; medical examination; physical checkup
formal objection (to an administrative disposition); request for examination (of a patent); request for administrative review
spot check; snap inspection; surprise test
national review (referendum on a legal matter)
Deliberative Council on Political Ethics
police investigation carried out in the immediate vicinity of a crime site
inspection station; inspection centre
not submitted to the selecting committee
national census; door-to-door census
Public Security Examination Commission
inspection; audit; judgement; judgment
matters for investigation; matters to be examined; research agenda
psychological examination; mental test
seabed probe; probe of the ocean floor; submarine prospecting
check of someone's ability; test of someone's ability
subsurface exploration (geotechnical investigation)
laparoscopy; peritoneoscopy; ventroscopy
epidemiological investigation; epidemiological survey
Mars lander; Mars rover; Mars probe
sperm test; semen analysis; seminogram
unexamined; untested; unscreened
eye chart; eyesight test chart
physical examination; health checkup
investigative approach; research method; survey method
search conducted with the consent of the party concerned
(actual) screening (as opposed to prescreening)
examination of somebody's sputum
sequential sampling inspection (with reposition)
funduscopy; fundus examination; ophthalmoscopy
controlled delivery; arm's-length surveillance
polygraph test; lie detector test
diagnostic examination; exploration
quality check; quality inspection
Short-Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan (Bank of Japan's quarterly economic survey); Tankan survey
overhaul; check-up; inspection
self-checking; self-diagnosis
personality test; personality assessment; personality inventory
referee (of a manuscript); reviewer
breath test; breathalyzer test
appraisal value; assessed price; valuation
checking against (up); examining by reference; verification
on-the-spot inspection; on-site inspection
tax inspection division; tax inspector; tax dick; tax inspection
power of judicial review; the Supreme Court's power to determine the constitutionality of a law
on-the-spot inspection; on-site inspection
market research organization; market research organisation
Administrative Appeal Act (1962); Administrative Complaint Investigation Law
diagnostic examination; diagnostic assay
carrying over a bill from one Diet session to the next, being deliberated by a committee in the interim
family court probation officer
underwriter (insurance); appraiser; assessor; auditor
site visit (auditors, public accountants, etc.)
(police) legwork; house-to-house inquiry; canvassing; investigation carried out by questioning neighbours, bystanders, etc.
tax inspection division; tax inspector; tax dick; tax inspection
UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission; UNMOVIC
sonography; ultrasonography
medical examination of entrants into professional wrestling
resident audit request to local government authority
automobile inspection certificate
private investigation agency
departure permit; exit visa
multiphoton laser scanning microscope
confocal laser scanning biological microscope
confocal laser scanning biological microscope
Internet Engineering Task Force; IETF
Internet Research Task Force; IRTF
modulo N check; residue check
expiration check; retention period check
marginal test; marginal check
longitudinal parity check
summation check; sum check
error-detecting code; self-checking code
CRC; Cyclic Redundancy Check
cyclic redundancy check; CRC
modulo N check; residue check
Vertical Redundancy Check; VRC
Horizontal Redundancy Check
horizontal scanning frequency
LRC; Longitudinal Redundancy Check
static conformance review
interlace (e.g. on CRT screens); interlaced scanning
interlace (e.g. on CRT screens); interlaced scanning
expiration check; retention period check
confocal scanning microscope
to examine in full detail
penetrant inspection; PI; penetrant examination; penetrant test
Agricultural Produce Inspection Law
HPV test; test for human papilloma virus
Internet survey; online survey
inspection of a completed facility (esp. of radio stations as required under Japanese law); completion inspection
final rejection (e.g. of a patent)
medical diagnostic instruments
prescreen; prescreening; preliminary review
National Land Survey Act (1951)
cadastral survey; land survey