FrequencyTop 500-600
Kyōiku (3rd grade) 
KankenLevel 8
Composed of
almost good
Used in vocabulary (435 in total)
root (of a plant); root (of a tooth, hair, etc.); center (of a pimple, etc.); root (of all evil, etc.); source; one's true nature
basis; foundation; grounds; authority
Examples (142 in total)
"Where's the cat?" "It's on the roof."
What color is the roof of your house?
What is that building with the green roof?
Look at that red-roofed house.
You can see the roof of the house from there.
The roof of the house is red.
The tree is about as high as the roof.
The tree stands higher than the roof.
Why were you on the roof?
I am on the roof now.
The house whose roof you see over there is my father's.
The walls supported the entire weight of the roof.
The staircase leading to the rooftop is narrow, steep, and dark.
What are you doing on the roof?
A cat is walking on the roof.
Now all they want is a roof over their heads.
The roof of my house is red.
I love the sound of rain on the roof.
Look, there's a cat on the roof.
The roof is shining in the sun.
The roof was blown off by the explosion.
He's a kind man at heart.
The roots of this tree go down deep.
He's a good fellow at heart.
That house with a red roof is my uncle's.
Do you have any grounds for thinking so?
The rumor was without foundation.
There are sufficient grounds for believing he is honest.
He has good grounds for believing that.
He has no basis for his opposition.
It is important to note that his assertion is groundless.
The girl was afraid to jump down from the roof.
What is the basis for the argument?
What is the name of the building whose roof you can see?
The roof is really in need of repair.
Part of the roof blew off.
It cannot be called a fundamental solution.
Air, like food, is a basic human need.
The rumor has no foundation.
The fact is that the rumor is groundless.
The building whose roof you can see over there is our church.
That building whose roof is brown is a church.
She had good reason to file for a divorce.
I spent my vacation in Hakone.
We went to Hakone last Sunday.
The explosion was so powerful that the roof was blown away.
They are all good men at heart.
He was very glad when she offered to help him fix his roof.
Imagination is the root of all civilization.
I went up to the roof by means of a ladder.
We got our roof damaged by the typhoon.
There is no scientific basis for these claims.
The house with the damaged roof has been repaired.
There are good grounds for believing what he says.
Look at that cat on the roof.
If you're going to pull weeds, pull them out by the roots.
We stayed overnight in Hakone.
Tom is on the roof.
That house with the red roof is Tom's house.
Our class went on an excursion to Hakone.
I see a bird on the roof.
The roof was damaged by the storm.
There are holes in the roof.
Rain was pattering on the roof.
Rain dripped off the roof slowly.
We put the skis on the top of our car.
Tom isn't the type to hold a grudge.
Greetings are the basis of good manners.
God is the cause of all things.
The house had its roof ripped off by the storm.
The conclusion rests on a solid basis.
The government must make fundamental changes.
The roof was torn off due to the strong winds.
Good fences make good neighbors.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
The school grounds extend as far as this fence.
He saw the boy jump over the fence and run away.
Her house is surrounded by a white fence.
My father put a fence around the garden.
I got him to paint the fence.
The tiles that fell from the roof broke into pieces.
This formula is the basis of the theory.
Many western customs have taken root in Japan.
The shape of the roof looks like a pyramid.
Daikon might be more expensive than the carrots.
That's a completely unfounded rumor.
The rumor was completely without foundation.
Why are you in the attic?
There's ample room in the attic.
Dust had accumulated in the attic.
I found three silver coins in an old wooden box in the attic.
I keep all my old pictures in the attic in a wooden box.
We got our roof blown off in the typhoon.
Haru's always been like that; he's very kind at heart.
There is a white dove on the roof.
She's die-hard coffee drinker.
Mastering a foreign language calls for patience.
He seems rough, but at heart he's very gentle.
The rumor turned out to be groundless.
The claim that Tom has committed murder is completely baseless.
Is it still up in the attic?
Tom found a box in the attic.
Tom is in the attic.
I'm in the attic.
He says he must get rid of the mice that are in the attic.
The top floor is an attic.
They overcame many inveterate superstitions.
Ann is diligently knitting.
If we don't thoroughly examine the cause of bullying, bullying will probably never go away.
Part of the roof fell off.
Look at the house with the red roof.
The building with the reddish brown roof is a church.
Poverty is the root of all evil.
Money is the root of all evil.
The roof of our house is leaking.
The roof of the hut groaned under the weight of the snow.
His belief is rooted in experience.
Mary looks unfriendly, but she is really very kind at heart.
That organization is corrupt to its core.
2. Cut the daikon into long sticks.
We must focus on building a solid grass-roots movement.
The accident was a strong argument for new safety measures.
Every time it rains, the roof leaks.
He fell from the roof head over heels.
The snow that had piled up on the roof at night came down with a thud.
Some cars have solar panels on the roof.
The police are trying to get entirely rid of drunken driving.
We learned at school that the square root of nine is three.
I painted the roof light blue.
This small house has a thatched roof.
Tom's house has a thatched roof.
The house with the green roof is mine.
This house has a thatched roof.
Shimane Prefecture's capital is Matsue City.
The rain was dripping through a leak in the roof.
I sometimes talk to my neighbor across the fence.
"Why do you always wear a long skirt?" "Because I want to hide my bulky legs."
Lilies are perennial plants.
We have to clear the snow off the roof.
My wrist and forearm hurt, I think I might be suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome.
Majority rule is a basic principle of democracy.
Mount Everest is, so to speak, the roof of the world.