FrequencyTop 2100-2200
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 3
Old form
Composed of
lack of
Used in vocabulary (90 in total)
Europe and America; the West
Northern Europe; Nordic countries; Scandinavia
Western Europe; the West; the Occident; Europe
Eastern Europe
Europeans and Americans; Westerners
the various countries of Europe and America; the West
First World War (1914-1918); World War I; (lit.) Great European War
European style; Occidental
Southern Europe
West European countries
going to Europe; trip to Europe
Central Europe
dispatching to Europe (e.g. an envoy); sending to Europe
writing in a European language; European text; Roman letters
Eastern European countries
Europeanization; Europeanisation; Westernization; Westernisation
Western civilization; Western civilisation
Northern European (person); Nordic person; Scandinavian
Europe and Asia
Nordic countries; Scandinavian countries
westernization; westernisation
Japan and Europe; Japanese-European
European campaign (esp. soccer)
visit to Europe; visiting Europe
Indo-European languages
Central and Eastern Europe
staying in Europe
Asia and Europe; Eurasia
India and Europe; Indo-European
European letters; Latin script
Scandinavian design
pertaining to Europe; towards Europe
European Commission (executive of the EU)
Japanese containing expressions literally translated from European languages
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)
Eurasia; Eurasian Continent
Out of Asia and Into Europe (slogan calling for Japan to align itself with the West)
European Russia
being in Europe; staying in Europe; residing in Europe
Central and Eastern Europe
Proto-Indo-European (language)
Proto-Indo-European (language)
alignment with the Western powers of America and Europe
alphabetic code
alphabetic character set
alphabetic string
Indo-European language(s)
Western typewriter; typewriter using Roman letters
English oak (Quercus robur); pedunculate oak; common oak; French oak
European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
Norway spruce (Picea abies)
yew (Taxus baccata); English yew; European yew
Examples (13 in total)
I traveled about Europe.
European currencies weakened against the dollar.
Japan has caught up with Europe and America in medicine.