FrequencyTop 1000-1100
Kyōiku (5th grade) 
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 6
Old form
Composed of
a bunch of trees

"He tried to get away from the serial killer chasing after him. Unfortunately he had to stop as he ran into a bunch of trees blocking his path. He was at the bottom of a cliff with nowhere else to go. And then the killer got to him. The End." is how the chronicle of his life ends.

Used in vocabulary (141 in total)
personal history; career
historic; historical; traditional
successive generations; successive emperors
history of; experience of
historic; historical
long military service; having experienced many battles
personal history; background; log; record; hysteresis
evident; plain; distinct; clear
dark history; dark past; something one wants to forget or pretend never happened
academic background; academic credentials; academic record
personal history; curriculum vitae; resume
to go down in history; to be recorded in the history books
history; career
(study of) history
travels; pilgrimage; itinerancy
dignitaries; very important persons; VIPs
call register; incoming call history; list of received calls
accepted; fully-fledged; clear; respectable
military service; combat experience
personal history
notables; dignitaries; illustrious families; clear; plain; obvious
successive jobs; consecutive jobs
work experience; work history
high academic achievement; advanced academic training; higher education
clinical (case) history
brief personal record; short curriculum vitae; short CV
round of calls; tour of visitation
to let (feel) time pass
historical viewpoint
historical philosophy
(one's) military service record
criminal record
one's history as a performer
history of one's love affairs
misrepresentation (falsification) of one's past record (personal history)
everyone has a past; every person has their own history
historical context; historical background
historical awareness; understanding of history
historical records; historical materials
one's history of love affairs with women
to pass; to elapse; to pass through; to go through; to experience; to go through
case or medical history
historical archive; library of historical records
itinerancy; tour; trip
academic meritocracy; education-conscious society; society that places (excessive) emphasis on academic records
young woman strongly interested in pre-Edo history; young woman making use of speech and mannerisms of pre-industrial Japan; female history buff
travel history; record of travel; experience of travel
low-level education; inferior education
origin and history; particulars
dignitaries; very important persons; VIPs
criminal record
historical drama
geography and history
history painting; painting of a historical, mythological or legendary event or figure
a route or passage
page in the history books; historical (event); old news
history of a company
page in the history books; historical (event); old news
history of having stayed somewhere; travel history
historical times; historical period
without a history; historyless; unhistoried; unstoried
false statement (misrepresentation) of one's academic career
successive generations; successive emperors
variety of kabuki, based on historical events
change log; revision history
historical map; atlas
history of present illness
historical school (of economics)
calendar year; civil year; time; year after year
resume showing career and job history; curriculum vitae
historical kana orthography (used before 1946 reform); old kana orthography
chronological age
pilgrim; nomad; itinerant
historic district; historic center of a town
medical examination history
to inscribe one's name in history
successive reigns; successive emperors; successive dynasties
The Chronicles (books of the Bible)
highly educated person; academic; scholar
(successive lords) using the same retainers
without a history; historyless; unhistoried; unstoried
overstressing academic background
dignitaries; very important persons; VIPs
historical geography
call log; call history
history of (automobile) accidents
looking around
expressing one's opinion; speaking one's mind; making known; revealing
someone with inferior education
historical data
attending a highly-ranked graduate school to boost one's credentials; (lit.) academic background laundering
origin and history; particulars
increase in the level of academic achievement; popularisation of higher education
change log; record of updates; update history
dignitaries; very important persons; VIPs
notables; dignitaries; illustrious families; clear; plain; obvious
asphalt; bitumen
to pass; to elapse; to pass through; to go through; to experience; to go through
historical kana orthography (used before 1946 reform); old kana orthography
chronicles; annals
the passing of time
one's teaching experience; one's career (experience) as a teacher
Chronicles I (book of the Bible)
Chronicles II (book of the Bible)
revisionist (person who takes a revisionist view of history)
over-qualified person; over-educated person (unable to find a job); (lit.) educational refugee
official history (e.g. a state-sanctioned account of history subject to revision when the government changes)
party history (political); one's history as a party member
etymology of a word; history of a word
Examples (131 in total)
I will tell you the history of my life.
Which period of history are you studying?
How come you know so much about Japanese history?