hot water
FrequencyTop 1000-1100
Kyōiku (3rd grade) 
KankenLevel 8
Composed of
water drops
light of the sun
Used in kanji (2 in total)
be charmed
Used in vocabulary (244 in total)
hot water; hot bath; hot spring; molten iron
hot water; hot bath
steam; vapour; vapor
Examples (29 in total)
Is the water hot enough to make tea?
Don't use all the hot water.
Sugar dissolves in hot water.
Dissolve sugar in hot water.
The steam has fogged my glasses.
The water began to boil.
If the coffee is too strong, add some more water.
The water has boiled away.
Put the eggs into the boiling water.
Put some salt into the boiling water.
Is there any water in the pot?
Boil some water.
Tom doesn't even know how to boil water.
Tom filled the bathtub with warm water.
Tom soaked in the bathtub.
Japanese love to soak in a hot tub before bed.
Please fill the teapot with boiling water.
She poured boiling water into the cup.
Hot water burst out.
I burned myself with boiling water.
Say ... I can hear screams coming from the women's bath.
After taking a bath, I drank juice.
Tom waited for the kettle to boil.
I cannot even boil water, much less roast a turkey.
I steeped a tea bag in boiling water.
Jessie is boiling water to make coffee.
Dr. Yukawa played an important part in the scientific study.
Dr. Yukawa, the Nobel prize winner, died in 1981.
The water is boiling away.