FrequencyTop 1300-1400
KankenLevel 3
Composed of
water drops
Used in vocabulary (30 in total)
to drift; to float; to waft (e.g. a scent); to hang in the air; to be in the air (e.g. a feeling or mood); to wander; to walk around aimlessly
drifting; drift; being adrift
drifting ashore
roaming; drifting about; wandering
blanching; bleaching
person adrift on the sea; castaway (on an island)
to set adrift; to let loose; to cut loose
sorrowful (e.g. person, scene, etc.); melancholic
bleaching agent; bleach
castaway story (e.g. Robinson Crusoe); drifter's adventure tale
buoyantly; airily; with a light heart
casually (come or go); aimlessly; abruptly; detached (from the world); aloof
being ruined (reduced to poverty); falling low; going under; coming to ruin
glacial erratic; erratic boulder; erratic block
mangrove (of family Rhizophoraceae)
buoyantly; airily; with a light heart
drift (e.g. in frequency)
drifting away (and going lost)
wrinkled hands from being in water; washerwoman's hands
Examples (14 in total)
Many people drift through life without a purpose.
The ice may drift considerable distances each day.
The smoke from factories hung over the town.