FrequencyTop 500-600
Kyōiku (6th grade) 
KankenLevel 5
Composed of
halberd blade
small animal (archaic)
Used in kanji (4 in total)
stupid [old]
Used in vocabulary (98 in total)
to doubt; to distrust; to be suspicious of; to suspect
doubt; question; suspicion; dubiousness
doubt; question; uncertainty; skepticism; scepticism; suspicion
Examples (184 in total)
I have some doubts about it.
I am doubtful whether he will come.
I doubt his abilities even though I'll admit he is honest.
Granted that he is honest, but I doubt his ability.
I doubt if he'll come to school today.
One of the questions was what kind of a person I would become.
No one answered my question.
Why should you suspect me?
Are you still in doubt about what I have said?
I don't doubt that he will help me.
I doubt if he is honest.
I would never question his honesty.
Do you doubt that he will win?
He doubted the truth of her story.
I doubt whether he is honest.
They were suspicious of him, and not without reason.
I don't know whether she will come.
I don't doubt that she is married.
We suspected him of lying.
I don't doubt it in the least.
I can't help doubting his honesty.
I doubt his story.
I was suspected to be the criminal.
The police were suspicious of his movements.
Some people would question the truth of such rumors.
She was in doubt about the ability of her husband.
In other words, you should doubt common sense.
I doubt whether he will win both races.
There is no doubt about it.
Such conduct will give rise to suspicion.
That car is no doubt in an awful condition.
There is no doubt whatever about it.
There seems no doubt about it.
There's no doubt about that.
I don't for a moment doubt your honesty.
There is little doubt as to whether he will succeed or not.
There is no doubt about his ability.
There is no doubt that he is honest.
His honesty is beyond doubt.
His success is beyond doubt.
There is not a shadow of doubt about his honesty.
His behavior aroused my suspicions.
His words gave rise to doubts concerning his true intentions.
Do you doubt me?
We all suspect him of murder.
There is no doubt as to who will be elected.
There could be no doubt as to who the man was.
There can be no doubt whatever about it.
There is no longer any room for doubt.
There's no doubt that the universe is infinite.
There is no doubt that he was murdered.
There is no question as to her talent.
There is no doubt as to her beauty.
There is no room for doubt.
He suspects me of telling a lie.
I strongly suspected that he had been lying.
The police suspect that he was lying.
That's a popular question.
The evidence left little room for doubt.
There is little room for doubt.
I am tempted to doubt your friendship.
The police suspect that he robbed the bank.
Her unusual behavior caused our suspicions.
She was suspected of being a spy.
I doubt whether it is true or not.
I have doubts about the success of their plan.
I doubt if anyone even remembers his name now, except for me.
Sometimes I doubt your intelligence.
I do not doubt that he is sincere.
This aroused her suspicion.
I doubt everything, even my own doubts.
I had doubts.
The whereabouts of the suspect is still unknown.
The suspect wanted to avoid being arrested.
He's our only suspect.
Tanaka has been arrested on suspicion of murder.
The policeman wouldn't let go of the suspect.
The police arrested the suspect in the case.
The police ordered the suspect to drop his gun.
The police have found no trace of the suspect yet.
The police were inquiring into the suspect's past.
The police arrested the suspect.
The police arrested the suspect yesterday.
If you question his sincerity, do not ask for his help.
The fingerprints left on the weapon match the suspect's.
It is doubtful whether this method will work.
It is doubtful whether this machine works well or not.
It is doubtful whether this will work.
It is doubtful whether the rumor is true or not.
The correctness of the information is doubtful.
It's doubtful if we'll finish in time for Christmas.
It is doubtful whether Bill will come.
Whether he will come at all is doubtful.
It is doubtful whether he did his homework by himself.
It is very doubtful whether he is still alive.
It is doubtful whether he will pass.
It is doubtful whether he is telling the truth.
I thought it doubtful whether he would come or not.
I think it doubtful whether he understood my explanation.
Whether or not he will come is doubtful.
It is doubtful whether she will come.
It is doubtful whether she will come to see me.
It is doubtful whether her song will become popular.
She regarded me suspiciously.
One thing remains doubtful.
It was not what he said, but the way he said it that made me suspicious.
It is doubtful whether he will accept my proposal or not.
It is doubtful if we can get the engine working.
We thought it doubtful whether it would clear soon.
There is no doubt whatever about what he says.
I doubt that he can make a speech in public.
There is no room to doubt that he is a gifted artist.
After they questioned him, the police returned the suspect to the house.
The police arrested a suspect in connection with the robbery.
The suspect was hiding out in the mountains for three weeks.
True science teaches us to doubt and to abstain from ignorance.
He was suspect in that he had no alibi.
The police are suspicious of my alibi.
I doubt the authenticity of the document.
The lawyer doubted his innocence.
There is no doubt as to her innocence.
He was arrested for murder.
The police will suspect him of the murder.
The suspect was innocent of the crime.
We have some doubt as to whether he has chosen the right course.
The only useful answers are those that raise new questions.
This may be a silly question, but which is stronger - a tiger or a lion?
It is doubtful whether he will keep his word.
He doubts if I will keep my promise.
I think it doubtful whether he will keep his word.
The suspect told a lie to the inspector.
How can we dispel their doubts and fears?
He didn't doubt that Ben had something to do with the crime.
I can't believe my eyes.
Even now, we still doubt that he is the real murderer.
Tom wondered what Mary was planning to do.
Tom was arrested for murder.
Tom doubts whether Mary is honest.
The suspect is a black male.
Apart from his parents, nobody would defend the suspect.
The court acquitted him of the charge of murder.
He excluded the woman from the suspects.
His guilt leaves no room for doubt.
There is no room for doubt about his guilt.
My guilt leaves no room for doubt.
The man was imprisoned for murder.
Events of that type generally arouse suspicion.
I doubt your good sense.
The authorities are trying to dispel the doubts about his death.
This is the man who's suspected by the police.
He is under suspicion of theft.
You're too suspicious about everything.
If you have some questions, please refer to this guidebook.
Why's Tom so suspicious?
Tom looked at the tall man suspiciously.
Many questions came up about the quality of the new product.
He was arrested on charges of tax evasion.
He was under suspicion of being a spy.
He is suspected of robbery.
He is beyond doubt the best athlete in our school.
Tom Jackson is our only suspect.
She threw a suspicious glance at him.
I have a suspicious nature.
Barbara's success is beyond question.
He is without doubt the most successful movie director in the world.
The way she spoke to us was suspicious.
He interviewed the suspect today.
I doubt if Bob will come to my birthday party.
Some psychologists raise doubts about Pepperberg's research.
I began to doubt the accuracy of his statement.
Political concerns have caused many people to doubt the prediction.
The official was suspected of accepting bribes from the construction companies.
I doubt the truth of his report.
Two senior officials are suspected of accepting bribes from real estate companies.
I doubt if he will come on time.
I doubt if Bob will come on time.
It is doubtful whether she will come on time.
We are doubtful about the train leaving on time.
The news confirmed my suspicions.
I doubt the veracity of his statement.
I doubt the truth of the report.
Suspicion that this amounts to insider trading has strengthened.
He was suspected of underground action.
The woman suspected that her son was using drugs.