FrequencyTop 3300-3400
KankenLevel 1
Composed of
long-term warehouse
Used in vocabulary (37 in total)
scab; crust
smallpox; variola; pockmark; pock
pustule; scab; syphilis; pox
smallpox; variola
chickenpox; chicken pox
mythological growth (tumour) that takes the shape of a human face
lupus (esp. lupus vulgaris)
smallpox demon; smallpox devil; deity to whom one prays for immunity to smallpox
thrush (pediatric disease); aphtha; moniliasis
chilblains; frostbite
ringworm (of the scalp); tinea capitis
thrush (pediatric disease); aphtha; moniliasis
creeping bugleweed (Ajuga decumbens)
person with skin disease (esp. syphilis)
poison ivy rash; urushiol-induced contact dermatitis; toxicodendron dermatitis; rhus dermatitis
poison ivy rash; urushiol-induced contact dermatitis; toxicodendron dermatitis; rhus dermatitis
excessive envy (of somebody in much the same position as oneself); (lit.) envy of a leper's pockmarks
excessive envy (of somebody in much the same position as oneself); (lit.) envy of a leper's pockmarks
person with a skin disease (esp. syphilis); syphilitic patient
person with a skin disease (esp. syphilis); syphilitic patient
person with a skin disease (esp. syphilis); syphilitic patient
alopecia areata
sycosis; hair follicle inflammation; barber's itch
thrush fungus (Candida albicans)
Examples (6 in total)
I had chicken pox when I was a kid.
I think I had chickenpox as a child.
I think I have chickenpox.