FrequencyTop 2600-2700
KankenLevel Pre-1
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (74 in total)
Examples (29 in total)
You have cancer.
The discovery will have a momentous effect on the treatment of cancer.
Cookie's mother died of cancer.
Tom died of cancer.
Tom is suffering from cancer.
My brother died of cancer last year.
My wife died of cancer.
He died of cancer.
Her son died of cancer when still a boy.
The cancer has begun to spread to other organs.
We have yet to discover an effective remedy for cancer.
Cancer is a great enemy of mankind.
Cancer can be cured if discovered in time.
Scientists haven't found a cure for cancer yet.
Tiny particles in the air can cause cancer.
The cancer has spread to her stomach.
The researcher suggested promising directions for treating the cancer.
Drugs are a cancer of modern society.
She's donating money for cancer research.
Many cancer patients lose their hair because of the chemotherapy.
The feeble patient is suffering from stomach cancer.
Doctors have made great strides in their fight against cancer.
I'd like to have a test for breast cancer.
Drug addiction is a cancer in modern society.
He is afraid of getting lung cancer.
I lost my grandfather to cancer this year.
Sami was diagnosed with cancer.
Ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer.
Certain artificial sweeteners are known to be carcinogens.