FrequencyTop 800-900
Kyōiku (3rd grade) 
KankenLevel 8
Composed of

You're in a tent eating beans, which are the perfect food for when you want to climb a mountain!

Used in kanji (6 in total)
lamp [old]
bitter orange
Used in vocabulary (181 in total)
entry (on stage); appearance (on screen); entrance; introduction (into a market)
to ascend; to go up; to ascend (as a natural process, e.g. the Sun); to rise; to go to (the capital); to be promoted; to add up to
registration; accession; register; entry; record
Examples (200 in total)
You need good equipment to climb that mountain.
It is dangerous to climb that mountain.
Climbing this mountain is very difficult.
It's dangerous to climb this mountain.
Keep climbing.
It's not absolutely impossible to climb the mountain.
That mountain is easy to climb.
Can you climb the tree?
Let's climb that mountain to see it.
I think it's dangerous to climb that mountain alone.
You had better not climb such high mountains in winter.
Don't climb the wall.
Have you ever climbed a mountain?
He succeeded in climbing the mountain.
He thought that he could climb the mountain.
They were too tired to climb a mountain.
They saw a cat climbing up the tree.
She is going to climb that mountain someday.
The taller a tree is, the harder it is to climb.
A bear can climb trees.
Dogs can't climb up walls.
I wonder why cats like climbing on high places.
I am too tired to climb.
I can't climb that. I'm scared of heights.
The higher we went, the colder it became.
We plan to climb that mountain.
My husband and I used to go mountain climbing together.
I've climbed that mountain.
I don't like my brother climbing the mountains.
The higher we go up, the thinner the air becomes.
We climbed high enough to see the whole city.
There's someone coming up the stairs.
The higher we climb, the colder it becomes.
The higher we climbed, the colder it got.
This summer vacation, I went to the beach and climbed a mountain.
He thinks it impossible for me to climb the mountain alone.
I climbed the mountain last summer.
We think it is very dangerous that you're climbing the mountain alone.
I think it's dangerous to climb a mountain on a day when it's stormy.
Some animals are very good at climbing.
I walked up the hill.
Everyone in the class climbed the hill.
He drove slowly up the hill.
I climb mountains because they are there.
This mountain is difficult to climb.
We climbed higher so that we might get a better view.
He equipped himself with everything needed to climb the mountain.
Let's give up our plan to climb it.
I've registered already.
Cats can climb trees, but dogs can't.
It is easy for a monkey to climb a tree.
A monkey is climbing up a tall tree.
Monkeys climb trees.
The branch began to bend as I climbed along it.
As we go up higher, the air becomes thinner.
He comes to school earlier than any other student in the class.
They usually go to school by bicycle.
She used to wash her hair before going to school.
He was sick, but he went to school.
We all wear uniforms to school.
I met her on the way to school.
The children went to school in spite of the rain.
I have bookmarked that page.
We climbed the steep slope.
The higher we climbed, the steeper the mountain became.
Three boys climbed the trees like a bunch of monkeys.
He finally succeeded in climbing that mountain.
One night a merchant was walking up the slope on his way home.
I tried climbing the mountain.
Jack, Jill and Alice went up the hill.
That is such a high mountain as old people can't climb.
I'm going to climb a mountain with a friend this weekend.
I saw a group of foreigners on my way to school this morning.
I don't think this old car will make it to the top of the hill.
As we were singing songs, we climbed to the top.
We climbed along the stream in the mountains.
Climbing the cliff alone is a bold deed.
We climbed the mountain last year.
That mountain whose top is covered with snow is the one that we climbed last summer.
They climbed to the top of a cliff.
Who's your favorite character in this book?
All the characters of this comic are girls.
The squirrel is climbing the tree.
When did they register the names of the members?
I went up to the roof by means of a ladder.
You should arrive at school before 8:30.
The monkey climbed up the tree.
I saw some monkeys climbing the tree.
Have you ever climbed Mt. Yari?
I'm going to climb Mt. Kitadake.
As you climb higher, the air becomes colder.
He climbed up the tree like a monkey.
He climbed in through the window.
I rewarded my pigeons with food for climbing onto the box.
All the characters in this drama are fictitious.
Be sure to fill out the registration form in person.
He was walking up the hill at a steady pace.
There are 16 characters named Tom in this novel.
Tom often climbs trees.
Tom tried to climb the tall tree.
If you climb up this mountain, you'll reach the lab.
Do elephants climb trees?
Have you ever climbed Mt. Fuji?
I've always wanted to climb Mt. Fuji.
I want to climb Mt. Fuji again.
I wish to climb Mt. Fuji again.
Tom and I are going to climb Mt. Fuji next summer.
Tom has climbed Mt. Fuji three times.
I climbed Mt. Fuji last month for the first time.
Many young people make use of their summer vacation to climb Mt. Fuji.
I've climbed Mt. Fuji twice.
I've climbed Mt. Fuji four times.
I've climbed Mt. Fuji three times.
I want to climb Mt. Fuji.
I'm going to climb Mt. Fuji.
He was the first man to climb Mt. Fuji in winter.
He climbed Mt. Fuji.
They climbed Mt. Fuji last week.
We climbed Mt. Fuji last summer.
I climbed Mt. Fuji last summer with three of my friends.
It was when I was eight years old that I climbed Mt. Fuji with my father.
My brother has never climbed Mt Fuji.
I have never climbed Mt. Fuji.
I have climbed Mt. Fuji before.
I climbed Mt. Fuji.
I climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji.
We have decided to climb Mt. Fuji this summer.
We climbed to the top of Mt. Fuji.
Click here to register.
As you go up higher, the air becomes thinner.
Please remember to mail this letter on your way to school.
The crowd cheered when he appeared.
Don't climb that ladder. It's not safe.
The boy seized the ladder, and began to climb.
Tom is interested in mountaineering.
Life has often been compared to climbing a mountain.
John would often go mountain climbing when he was a student.
According to an expert, neither mountaineering nor skiing is dangerous.
His ambition was to break into television as an announcer.
He's used to mountain climbing.
Our climb will be steep.
I'm interested in mountain climbing.
The old lady walked slowly up the hill.
Just then the two in question arrived at school.
Did you go to the top of the pyramid?
I have climbed Mt. Fuji three times.
When the next singer came on, it began to rain.
The name of the character is Hamlet.
Tom tried climbing the tall tree.
We went halfway up the mountain.
I'll soon register for a course in German.
Carlos climbed the mountain.
Have you ever climbed Mt. Aso?
I've climbed Mt. Aso.
I climbed Mt. Aso.
From this point the climb suddenly became steep.
It took six hours to climb to the top.
Tom climbed the Mont Blanc.
He stared at the steep slope of the mountain and stopped climbing it.
This email address is not registered, or the password is wrong.
That girl loved climbing trees.
Tom never learned how to climb trees.
Children like climbing trees.
I loved to climb trees when I was a kid.
Did you climb trees when you were a child?
He liked climbing trees as a kid.
She is good at climbing up a tree.
Bears can climb trees.
In order to prevent crime, please take off your name tag when travelling to and from school.
Your mother will probably object to your climbing the mountain.
The rope broke when we were climbing the mountain.
He likes mountaineering and is well acquainted with the mountains of Japan.
I'm going to go mountain climbing tomorrow.
I like climbing mountains.
Mountain climbing isn't something I really enjoy so much.
Playing baseball is a sport, and climbing mountains is a sport, too.
Today's a school day. I'd better make sure not to be late.
Betty has climbed the mountain three times.
I have many hobbies - fishing and climbing, for example.
All the characters in this book are imaginary.
I went climbing in the Alps.
Cheetahs cannot climb trees.
After climbing Mt. Fuji, I got the inspiration for a poem.
I visited Paris, but I didn't climb the Eiffel tower, since I'm afraid of heights.
The mountain path was under a blanket of leaves, soft and easy to walk on.
After running up the hill, I was completely out of breath.
I was sure of his success, since he had already climbed the mountain three times.
If it were not for the snow, we could climb the mountain.
They enrolled him as a jury member.
New guests must register in the hotel book.
This house is registered in my name.
We climbed up the steep mountain.
He was the first man that climbed Mount Everest.
He was a member of the expedition which climbed Mount Everest.
Their climbing of Mt. Everest was a great achievement.
He is an adept climber.
She is a doctor and also an alpinist.
The mountain climbers reached the summit before dark.
The climbers awoke before daybreak.
Falling rocks present a danger to climbers.