fix a flaw
FrequencyTop 2600-2700
KankenLevel Pre-2
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (28 in total)
correction (of fault, defect, flaw, etc.); remedy; rectification; redress; reform
scrutiny; scanning; taking a good look
correctional facility (for juveniles); juvenile detention centre (center); reformatory
to straighten; to correct; to cure; to falsify
radical; extreme; eccentric
reform of morals
orthodontia; orthodontics
affectation; pretense; pretence
to set up again; to correct; to cure
correctional officer; corrections officer
to throw the baby out with the bath water; to strain at a gnat and swallow a camel; to obsess over insignificant details and miss the larger point; (lit.) to straighten the horns and kill the cow
to set up again; to correct; to cure
to straighten a branch
to redress injustice
trying to straighten the horns of a bull, and killing it in the process; trying to correct a small defect and ruining the whole thing; the cure is worse than the disease
taste masking agent; flavoring substance
lingual braces (dentistry)
Examples (2 in total)
I would like to have my teeth straightened.
Tom has braces.