FrequencyTop 1000-1100
KankenLevel Pre-2
Composed of
roof without a chimney
Used in vocabulary (157 in total)
search (esp. for someone or something missing); manhunt; legally authorized search of a person, building, etc.
search; lookup; hunt; (item of) research; exploration; investigation
looking up (e.g. a word in a dictionary); retrieval (e.g. data); searching for; referring to
inquiry into; enquiry into; prying (into); investigation; search; exploration
groping (for); fumbling around (for); searching (for an answer, solution, etc.); trying to find
searching for the enemy
speculation; thinking; meditation
rope; cord
request for a police search; application to the police to search for a missing person
house search (e.g. by the police)
index (in a book)
request for a police search; application to the police to search for a missing person
search term; search word
groping in the dark; exploring new avenues without having any clues
nosy person; busybody
contemplative; meditative
lookup function; search function
groping (for); fumbling around (for); searching (for an answer, solution, etc.); trying to find
rigging; gear; tackle
dreary; bleak; desolate
search box; search bar
boring; dull; dry
steel cable; steel wire rope
cableway; ropeway; aerial lift; cable car
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; ALS; Lou Gehrig's disease
Amoghapasa (manifestation of Kannon)
axis cylinder; axon
notochord (rudimentary spinal cord)
dreary; bleak; desolate
cable; wire rope; cableway
bamboo tiles
dreary; bleak; desolate
standing rigging; standing wire; static line
groping in the dark; exploring new avenues without having any clues
search box; search bar
name index; index of persons
conditional search; filtering
searcher; person using a search engine
making a web page hard to find through search engines; avoiding search engines
database search; database retrieval
foraging; feeding
counter for bamboo tiles
uninteresting; tending to spoil the fun (pleasure) (of); throwing a wet blanket (on)
chorda tympani
search form; search field; search box
fine white noodles
Chordata (phylum of deuterostome animals)
lateral funiculus
fuzzy reference; ambiguous search; ambiguous retrieval
hangman's noose; halter
fine white noodles served flowing in a small flume
fuzzy reference; ambiguous search; ambiguous retrieval
search tree; decision tree
index listing kanji by their Chinese and Japanese pronunciations
cross-language information retrieval; CLIR
cable railway; funicular railway
hemichordate (any worm of phylum Hemichordata)
Indexed Sequential Access Method file; ISAM file
shroud line
shroud line
Hemichordata (phylum of marine deuterostomes)
searching with natural language; natural sentence search
axon guidance; axon pathfinding
rope ladder; jack ladder
spermatic cord
search term; search word
longeing rein; lungeing rein; rein used to guide horse in circles
search engine optimization (optimisation); SEO
Examples (33 in total)
The cause of the accident is still under investigation.
The police thoroughly searched the house.
We are looking for a missing child.