FrequencyTop 900-1000
Kyōiku (5th grade) 
KankenLevel 6
Composed of
potter's clay
Used in vocabulary (265 in total)
organization; organisation; structure; construction; system (e.g. railroad, transport, party, etc.); tissue; texture (of a rock)
to put on (coat, gown, etc.)
haori (Japanese formal coat)
Examples (37 in total)
This company has a fine organization.
Why did you join this organization?
Have you heard anything about the organization?
We must beef up our organization.
The small company was taken over by a large organization.
Ants have a well-organized society.
That organization is corrupt to the core.
In winter I wear an overcoat.
He had no coat on.
The railroad system in Japan is said to be wonderful.
This institution came into being after the war.
The Japanese pay more attention to the group or the organization than to the individual.
Tom is a member of this organization.
That organization depends on voluntary contributions.
This organization relies entirely on voluntary donations.
Does that store keep textile goods?
Our club is affiliated with an international organization.
There is no doubt that it was an organised crime.
They organized a political party.
I think communication is the lubricant of an organization.
Why is Tom wearing a cape?
This organization lacks unity.
He organized a boycott of the bus service.
That organization is corrupt to its core.
Scotland is famous for its woollen textiles.
They will organize a labor union.
Spiders always weave their webs in three dimensions.
He has poor ability to organize.
Tom came to the coming-of-age ceremony in super flashy haori and hakama.
This organization cannot exist without you.
Muscle tissue consists of innumerable cells.
Their main exports are textiles, especially silk and cotton.
The sports world should, at this time, eliminate the collusion with criminal organizations.
This computer network is, as it were, the nervous system of the company.
They have formed their own nationwide association, the American Association of Retired Persons.
He organized a summer rock festival.
The anti-nuclear energy movement is being led by a number of organizations.