FrequencyTop 1800-1900
KankenLevel 4
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (173 in total)
fat; tallow; lard; grease
fat; grease; blubber; lard; suet
cold sweat; greasy sweat
resin; rosin
to become greasy; to become oily; to be loud and garish
fat (of meat); fatty meat
greasy; fatty; oily
dark red; deep red
dark-red pigment; rouge; dark red; deep red; cochineal
absorbent cotton
lipid; fats; adipose
fat; fats and oils
to get into the swing of (one's work); to hit one's stride; (for a fish or bird) to put on fat for the winter
body fat; somatic fat
(pine) resin; turpentine
plastics; synthetic resins
greasy; fatty; oily
sebum; sebaceous matter
back fat; fatty upper part of roast pork
rouge and powder; cosmetics
beef tallow
to become greasy; to be oil-stained
oiliness; greasiness
eye mucus; eye discharge; sleep
fatty layer; layer of fat
lard; pig fat
resin; (tobacco) resin; tar; sleep (in one's eyes, i.e. eye mucus)
to be complacent; to look self-satisfied
neutral fat; neutral lipid; triglyceride
hyperlipidemia; hyperlipidaemia; hyperlipemia
powdered skim milk; skimmed milk powder; non-fat dry milk
to become greasy; to be oil-stained
fatty constitution
solidified oil
oily (face, hair, food, etc.); persistent (person, personality, etc.); insistent
removal of fat
butterfat; cream
eye mucus; eye discharge; sleep
lipoma; adipose tumor
fat-solubility; lipid solubility; liposolubility
fluororesin; fluoropolymer; fluorocarbon polymer
sebaceous gland
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene; ABS resin
trans-fatty acid; trans-fatty acids; trans fat; trans fats
vegetable fats and oils
obesity; excess of fat
plaster; patch; ointment; liniment
blotting sheet (as a cosmetic aid for removing oils and make up); blotting paper; oil absorbing sheet; oil absorbing paper
dark-red pigment; rouge; dark red; deep red; cochineal
skim milk; skimmed milk; non-fat milk
greasy; fatty; oily
adipose fin
fat-free; no fat
seborrheic dermatitis; seborrheic eczema
non-fat milk; skim milk; skimmed milk
fatty oil
greasy; fatty; oily
cochineal insect (Dactylopius coccus)
being fat; fat person
greasy; fatty; oily
fluororesin; fluoropolymer; fluorocarbon polymer
skilfish (Erilepis zonifer); skil
being fat; fat person
the oil and fat industry
corpus adiposum
polyvinyl chloride; PVC; vinyl chloride resin
sebaceous gland
seborrhea; seborrhoea
vernix; vernix caseosa
oleochemistry; oil and fat chemistry
obesity; adiposis; adiposity
processed meat injected with a beef tallow mixture
stretch mark (caused by obesity); stria
dyslipidemia; hyperlipidemia; lipid abnormalities
processed meat injected with a beef tallow mixture
non-fat milk solid; milk solids-not-fat; MSNF
greasy lustre; greasy luster; greasy shine
resinous lustre; resinous luster
adiposis; lipidosis; steatosis
free fatty acid; unesterified fatty acid
Sarcocheilichthys biwaensis (species of cyprinid)
escolar (Lepidocybium flavobrunneum); snake mackerel
Chinese high fin banded shark (Myxocyprinus asiaticus); Chinese sucker
assassin bug (Velinus nodipes)
assassin bug (Velinus nodipes)
Examples (8 in total)
Gross! Don't touch me, your hand grease will stick to me!
The body converts extra calories into fat.
Where is the fat located?