to take off (clothes, shoes, etc.); to undress
escape; break-out; prolapse; proptosis
withdrawal; secession; separation; breakaway
to escape from; to get out
to strip someone; to help someone remove (clothes)
loss of strength; exhaustion; weakness
to fling; to throw off (clothes); to kick off (boots)
escape; flight; breakout; fleeing; desertion
to come off; to slip down; to slip off
dropping out; falling behind; omission; being left out; falling off; coming off
derailment; digression; deviation
deviation; departure; omission
changing room (at a bathhouse, swimming pool, etc.)
de- (indicating reversal, removal, etc.); post-
escaping from prison; jailbreak
ridding oneself; freeing oneself of; growing out of; overcoming; outgrowing
ennui; languishing; feeling of exhaustion; lassitude; lethargy
ecdysis; shedding (of skin); sloughing; freeing oneself; breaking with (convention, etc.)
to pitch in and help; to give someone a hand
withdrawal (e.g. from an organization); secession; leaving; pulling out
removing one's hat; admiring someone greatly; "taking off one's hat" to someone
(at) high speed; as fast as one can; with lightning speed
dropout; quitter; deserter
undressing; taking off one's clothes
to strip and leave clothes lying around
lethargy; despondency; mental numbness; (physical) collapse; prostration
(at) high speed; as fast as one can; with lightning speed
to come out; to fall out; to fade; to discolour; to wear a hole (e.g. clothes); to leave (e.g. a meeting); to be clear
omitted character; omitted letter
liberation from earthly desires and the woes of man; deliverance of one's soul; moksha; mukti; vimukti
decolourization; decolorization; decolourisation; decolorisation; bleaching
leaving the front line; retiring from the game; deserting the battle
escape hatch; escape door
to slip out; to sneak away; to break into the lead; to get ahead; to begin to fall out (e.g. hair); to break out (of a loop)
(metaphor for) something unusually fast; (lit.) fleeing hare
to accept one's inferiority; to take one's hat off to someone; to give up; to surrender; to strike one's colors
evaporation; dehydration; desiccation
attaching and detaching; putting on and removing
becoming a lordless samurai
to pitch in and help; to give someone a hand
hair loss; hair removal; epilation; depilation
setting oneself free from the life of a white-collar worker; quitting a job as a salaryman and launching an independent business
sophisticated; refined; witty; urbane; unconstrained
state of lethargy; absolute bewilderment; daze; mental numbness
escaped prisoner; fugitive
finishing writing; completion of a manuscript
changing room; dressing room; locker room
to slip out; to steal out; to excel; to stand out
place where one can remove one's shoes before entering a house
withdrawal (from membership of organization, organisation)
attaching and detaching; putting on and removing; installing and removing; desorption
wheel flying off its axle
cast-off skin (snake, insect, etc.); husk; empty shell; exuvia; exuviae
place where one can remove one's shoes before entering a house
evasion of the law; circumvention of the law
deodorization; deodorisation
alopecia areata; spot baldness
abandoning nuclear power generation
transcendency; detachment
undressing and dressing; taking off and putting on (clothes)
to complete one's journey
removable; detachable; demountable
law-evading hallucinatory herb (e.g. synthetic marijuana, "fake pot")
unworldliness; saintliness
deconstruction (as in the term coined by Jacques Derrida)
law-evading drug (e.g. amyl nitrates, MiPT); quasi-legal drug; designer drug
to concede defeat; to surrender; (lit.) to take one's hat off (to somebody)
cast-off skin (snake, insect, etc.); husk; empty shell; exuvia; exuviae
powdered skim milk; skimmed milk powder; non-fat dry milk
witty; smart and polished
to strip to one's waist; to go at with might and main
person who has fled from North Korea; North Korean defector
removing hair permanently
one shoulder exposed (e.g. because one sleeve of the kimono is undone)
suave; tactful; smooth; versatile; adaptable
demagnetization; demagnetisation; degaussing
adaptable; flexible; versatile; unfixed
to take off something (e.g. a pair of shoes) and leave them neatly aligned side by side
stripping to one's waist; being bare from the waist up
depolarization; depolarisation
to lend a hand; to render assistance; (lit.) to bare one shoulder
dislocation of the hip; hip dislocation
place where one can remove one's shoes before entering a house
escapement (clock mechanism)
stripping to one's waist; being bare from the waist up
to pitch in and help; to give someone a hand
person who has reached nirvana, enlightenment, etc.
to complete one's journey
male pattern baldness; male pattern alopecia; androgenic alopecia; androgenetic alopecia
to remove one's shirt thus revealing the skin; to remove the upper part of one's garments; to work with great effort
to strip to one's waist; to go at with might and main
cataplexy; atonic seizure
defection from or leaving a (political) party
(immunological) desensitization
deoxidation; deacidification
liberation; reaching enlightenment
skim milk; skimmed milk; non-fat milk
desulfurization; desulphurisation; desulphurization
debureaucratization; curtailing the power of the bureaucracy
out-of-body experience; astral projection; sensation of physically leaving your body
smooth-talking and polished; witty; free, easy, and urbane
one shoulder exposed (e.g. because one sleeve of the kimono is undone)
shed skin (of a snake, insect, etc.); ecdysis
Argument for Leaving Asia; Datsu-A Ron; editorial written by Fukuzawa Yukichi in 1885 calling for Japan to align itself with the West rather than China and Korea
dropping out; falling behind; omission; being left out; falling off; coming off
Out of Asia and Into Europe (slogan calling for Japan to align itself with the West)
desalination; desalinization; desalinisation; desalting
oxygen absorber; oxygen scavenger; small packet placed in packaged food to absorb oxygen and prevent oxidation
to remove one's shirt thus revealing the skin; to remove the upper part of one's garments; to work with great effort
apartment too small to be legally rented out, and hence let as office or storage space
plastic reduction; reducing plastic waste
slipping out the back way with swindled goods
to fling; to throw off (clothes); to kick off (boots)
omission; slip; error; definition (of photograph); sharpness; clarity (sound)
fallen hair; combings; hair left on comb
having missing teeth; toothlessness
denitration; denitrification
circumvention of the law; evasion of the law (by using legal means to obtain a result normally only obtainable by illegal ones)
caret (symbol for omitted word)
gaining recognition; rising above one's fellows
train derailment due to a concurrence of causes
extrication from dependence on oil
denitrification; denitration
persons who convince female celebrities to pose nude for photoshoots
being smooth, free and easy; refined and unconventional
careless (slipshod) and with many omissions
sexual deviation; sexual anomaly
aberration; aberrant behavior; eccentric (erratic) behavior; indulging in an escapade
congenital hip dislocation
systematic desensitization
ex-nerd; one who has given up geeky or nerdy hobbies; one who has given up stereotypically geeky dress, mannerisms, etc.
hernia truss; hernia belt
ecdysozoan (any animal of the superphylum Ecdysozoa, incl. arthropods, nematodes, etc.)
carbonate dehydratase inhibitor
breaking down boundaries; overcoming barriers (psych.)
weakened boundary; perforated boundary; dissolved boundary
weakened border; porous border; open border
detinning; removal of tin and copper
decidua; deciduous membrane
decalcification; demineralization
decolonization; decolonisation
dezincification; dezincing
eat-in tax evasion; paying less consumption tax by buying take-out food, then eating it in the store
hair removal using pulsed light
hide your true strength, and then later swiftly attack the unprepared enemy; (lit.) first be like a (meek) virgin, later like a running hare
hide your true strength, and then later swiftly attack the unprepared enemy; (lit.) first be like a (meek) virgin, later like a running hare