FrequencyTop 700-800
Kyōiku (6th grade) 
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 5
Old form
Composed of
tiny hairs
bad luck

A pictograph of an unlucky villain with tiny hairs growing out of his head, plotting world domination on a moon-lit night... yes, that's Brain, the scheming genetically enhanced laboratory mouse from the show Pinky and the Brain!

So why's he unlucky? Well, every night he devises a new plan to take over the world, and every time it ends in failure. Once or twice — sure, but so many times?!

Here's a link to the intro of that show on YouTube, in case you've never seen it.

Used in vocabulary (213 in total)
brain; brains; mind
one's mind
intracerebral; inside the brain; (occurring) in the mind; mental (e.g. image); imaginary
head; brains; intellect; understanding
brains; brain tissue
to cross one's mind; to occur to one
top of the head; crown of the head
to cross one's mind; to occur to one; to flash into one's head
muscle-brain; meathead; hot-blooded idiot; person who charges in before thinking
brains; brain tissue
laid-back; carefree; easygoing; thoughtless; happy-go-lucky
head; leader; top; (arch.) important part
computer; cyberbrain; digital brain
brain waves; electroencephalogram; EEG
to cross one's mind; to occur to one; to flash into one's head
spinal fluid; gray matter; grey matter
concussion (of the brain)
being clearheaded; having a keen (sharp, brilliant) mind
brain death
leadership conference; summit meeting; top-level conference
one's mind
cranial nerves; cerebral nerves
brain work; mental work; nonmanual labor
executives; top management; governing body
summit meeting; top-level conference
cerebral infarction; (ischemic) stroke
brain surgery
stroke; cerebral haemorrhage; cerebral hemorrhage
cerebral contusion
low intelligence; low IQ; feeble-mindedness; unintelligent person; person with a low IQ
brain tumor; brain tumour
game brain; dementia caused by overuse of electronic games
cerebral hemorrhage; cerebral haemorrhage
cerebral apoplexy
right brain
left brain
cerebral anemia; cerebral anaemia
concussion (of the brain)
brain hemorrhage; brain haemorrhage
happy-go-lucky person; dreamer; (lit.) intracranial flower garden
brain inflammation; encephalitis; cerebritis
mechanical brain; computer
concussion (of the brain)
midbrain; mesencephalon
cerebral blood vessel; cerebrovascular
cerebral ventricle
brain training; brain workout
summit meeting; meeting of leaders
declaration of brain death; determination of brain death; diagnosis of brain death
head; leader; top; (arch.) important part
pituitary gland; pituitary body; hypophysis
executives; top management; governing body
slow-witted person; simpleton; pig-ignorant; dumbass
electroencephalograph; EEG
brain disease
corpus callosum
brain worker; brain-worker; white-collar worker; mental worker
brain surgery; brain operation; neurosurgery
brain herniation; cerebral herniation; encephaloma; exencephaly
head; leading spirit
Japanese encephalitis
intracranial pressure
rhombencephalon; hindbrain
concussion (of the brain)
cerebral edema; cerebral oedema
basal ganglia; basal nuclei
base of the brain
the interbrain; the diencephalon
hypoxic encephalopathy (brain damage from lack of oxygen)
brain checkup; examination with MRI, MRA, etc. to check for aneurysms and other problems
organ transplant from a brain-dead donor
borneol (crystalline turpenoid alcohol)
forebrain; prosencephalon
lower brain; base of the brain
cerebral apoplexy
to rack one's brains
head; leading spirit
encephalomalacia; cerebromalacia; cerebral softening; softening of the brain
head line (in palm reading)
concussion (of the brain)
cerebral syphilis
social brain; social brains
feeble-minded child; poor scholar
slow-witted person; simpleton; pig-ignorant; dumbass
cerebral ischemia; brain ischemia
sulcus; groove in the surface of the brain
encephalomalacia; brain softening
vascular dementia; cerebrovascular disease
human brain
cranial dura mater; cerebral dura mater; dura mater encephali
cerebral embolism
acting on impulse; doing impulsively; doing instinctively
brain drain; outflow of talent
fourth ventricle; brain structure
bovine spongiform encephalopathy; BSE; mad cow disease
cerebral thrombosis
gyrus; ridge on the cerebral cortex
influenza-associated encephalopathy
borneol (crystalline turpenoid alcohol)
falx cerebri; cerebral falx
gut-brain connection; gut-brain axis
happy-go-lucky person; dreamer; (lit.) intracranial flower garden
fornix (of the brain); fornix cerebri
a wise man keeps some of his talents in reserve; one shouldn't show off; the person who knows most often says least; (lit.) a skilled hawk hides its talons
cerebral infarction; (ischemic) stroke
great longitudinal fissure; longitudinal cerebral fissure; longitudinal fissure; interhemispheric fissure; fissura longitudinalis cerebri; groove that separates the two hemispheres of the brain
tofu pudding; soybean pudding
top of the head; crown of the head
leadership conference; summit meeting; top-level conference
summit meeting; top-level conference
cerebral infarction; (ischemic) stroke
pons (pontes); pons Varolii; pontine
party leaders; party executive
therapeutic hypothermia for brain injury
cerebrospinal fluid hypovolemia; CSF hypovolemia; intracranial hypotension syndrome
rhombencephalon; hindbrain
eighth brain nerve; nervus vestibulocochlearis; vestibulocochlear nerve
tincture of camphor
brain; skull; head
decerebrate cat
abnormal cerebrovascular network in the cerebral basal region
magnetoencephalograph; MEG
neuro-magnetic field
obsession with radiation effects (esp. after the 2011 tsunami and Fukushima reactor problems); person obsessed with radiation; (lit.) radiation brain
anterior pituitary; pars distalis; adenohypophysis
intracranial pressure
Examples (30 in total)
In humans, the eyes act together with the brain.
They study about the function of the brain.
Our brains control our activities.