FrequencyTop 800-900
Kyōiku (4th grade) 
KankenLevel 7
Composed of
sloped roof
volume (of a book)
Used in vocabulary (270 in total)
(finger) ring
ring; circle; hoop; wheel; circle (e.g. of friends)
contour; outline; summary; outline; looks; features
(animal) collar; necklace; choker
(vehicle) wheel
bracelet; bangle
one flower; one wheel; (arch.) full moon
counter for wheels and flowers
(not) ever; (not) at all; (not) on any account; deepest bottom of the earth
ring; loop (of rope); halo (of an angel)
samsara; cycle of death and rebirth; being reborn; reincarnation
to exceed; to be even more (so); to exaggerate
family circle; one's circle (of friends, co-workers, etc.); private matters; internal affairs; conservative (e.g. estimate); moderate
to gather in a circle; to form a circle
swim ring; swimming ring; life buoy; life belt; life preserver; lifesaver
wedding ring; wedding band
cutting in round slices; round slice; dividing into groups (e.g. by ability)
parking area for bicycles
three wheels
two wheels; two flowers
areola mammae (circular area around nipple); areola
front wheel; saddle fork
rear wheel; cantle
earthen charcoal brazier (for cooking)
halo (esp. in Christian art); nimbus
rubber band; elastic band
Olympic rings; Olympics
to form a circle; to move in a circle; (lit.) to draw a circle
all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration
wreath; garland
crippled; deformed; imperfect; incomplete; one wheel
(full) moon; moon when it's round
halo; angel ring; glow of freshly washed or treated hair
annual tree ring; growth ring; experience in life
quoits; ring toss
internal conflict; family quarrel; domestic trouble
contour; outline; summary; outline; looks; features
district; quarter; enclosure; area enclosed by earthwork; red-light district
internal conflict; family quarrel; domestic trouble
trolling; singing in a circular canon; round
(gymnastical) giant swing; all-out effort; frenzied activity
puzzle ring; wire puzzle; exercise where students link crossed hands in a circle and try working together and without letting go
helm; (ship's) steering wheel
unicycle; monocycle; wheelbarrow
haniwa; hollow unglazed terracotta figure from the Kofun period
three wheeled vehicle (tricycle, motorcycle, etc.); three wheeler
round dance; dancing in a circle
to exceed; to be even more (so); to exaggerate
keirin; cycle racing event, usu. 2km with a paced start and sprint finish
training wheels; stabilizers
outer ring; external ring; rim (of a wheel); paddle wheel; out-toe walking; duck-footed walking
two-wheeled vehicle (bicycle, motorcycle, etc.)
metal ring; metal hoop; trivet; train wheel; train
leg band (e.g. on bird or hospital patient); ring; anklet
ring-shaped; circular
driving wheel
metal ring; metal hoop; metal band; trivet
parking one's bicycle
vase for one flower
outline; contour line; border line
Möbius strip; Moebius strip
wheel flying off its axle
rotation of crops
chikuwa; tube-shaped fish paste cake
the teachings of Buddha (as likened to the Dharmachakra, originally a wheel-like weapon used to destroy the evils of mankind); Buddhist doctrine
ring-shaped; annular
thrust at the opponent's throat
steered wheel (e.g. at the front of a car); steering wheel
swim ring; swimming ring; life buoy; life belt; life preserver; lifesaver
earring (non-pierced); helix
endless circle of transmigration in the six posthumous worlds
moon (esp. full moon); circle fashioned after the moon; decorative ring on the chest of a monk's stole; straw trivet; white crescent-shaped chest patch of an Asiatic black bear
Ring of Fire (circum-Pacific volcanic belt)
rotation (e.g. of a duty); taking turns
inner ring (e.g. washer)
silver ring; bicycle wheel; bicycle
private joke; inside joke
two halves of the whole; two wheels on which everything rolls
outer rim of a crater
nose ring
(gymnastic) rings
rotation; revolution
five-part gravestone representing earth, water, fire, wind and heaven
kurin; nine vertically stacked rings on a pagoda finial
(professional) keirin cyclist
cycle racing track, esp. for keirin (course)
three-wheeler vehicle
motorcycle (with a displacement of 50cc or more); motorbike
cogon grass ring (through which people pass during summer purification rites)
The Circle of Rainbow Light; Japanese religious group based on the teachings of Aum Shinrikyo
lariat; lasso; slip noose
sōrin; finial of a Japanese pagoda
family quarrel; internal squabble; internal trouble
Cintamani-cakra (manifestation of Avalokitesvara)
vase for one flower
taking turns reading, explaining, etc.; round-table (discussion)
rubber tire (tyre)
hourglass-shaped object; sarugaku performance art using such an object
semicircle; half-moon
bicycle parking place
drive wheel; driving wheel
chamber (of a revolver)
rotation of crops
to gang-rape
sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
trishaw; pedicab
Asian black bear (Selenarctos thibetanus); moon bear
tail wheel (aircraft)
Beijing Olympics (2008)
traveling with one's bicycle using public transportation
driving on two wheels; ski (driving stunt); skiing
snowflake-shaped family crest
ornamental border
all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration
weather wheel; pillar found near graveyards and temples with a wheel attached to it that can be used to communicate with the dead, as well as for divination; sun pillar
private agreement; private favour; inside joke; private joke
reading in turns
(gymnastic) rings
expounding the teachings of Buddha; (lit.) spinning the dharma wheel
four-wheeled light vehicle
orbicularis oculi muscle
(animal) collar; necklace; choker
Japanese primrose (Primula japonica)
riding (a horse) in a circle
five-story pagoda
Chakravartin; ideal universal ruler (in Indian religions)
loop-shaped monk's stole
circular bento box; something ring-shaped; handcuffs
samsara; cycle of death and rebirth; being reborn; reincarnation
Rio Olympics (2016)
revolving chamber-style (e.g. pistol)
jumping through a hoop
wheel and axle
orbicularis oris muscle
logging in order by area
all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration
Winter Olympic Games; Winter Olympics
difference between track followed by front and back inner wheels when turning
a loop; a trap
hoop trundling or rolling
contour; outline; summary; outline; looks; features
setting in motion the wheel of the dharma; the first turning of the wheel
Chakravartin; ideal universal ruler (in Indian religions)
all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth; the circle of transmigration
motorcycle, greater than or equal to 250cc
Cakraratna; wheel-shaped treasure possessed by the ideal universal ruler, carried in front of him during excursions to allow easy passage
five-ring Olympic emblem
rotating shelf for sutras
wheel stops; wedges; blocks; linchpin
medium-sized (of a flower, esp. a chrysanthemum)
fairy ring; mushroom ring
gold wheel (highest of the three layered wheels that support the earth above the primordial void); gold wheel-turning sage king
bicycle bag; bag used for taking a bicycle on public transport
Falun Gong; Falun Dafa
utmost limits; to the finish; to the (bitter) end; to the hilt; down to the bedrock
Asian black bear (Selenarctos thibetanus); moon bear
yeddo hawthorn (Rhaphiolepis indica var. umbellata)
era during mid-1970s dominated by grand champions Wajima and Kitanoumi
private agreement; private favour; inside joke; private joke
(gymnastic) rings
impromptu skit; (theatrical) farce; extravaganza
grilled chikuwa
(animal) collar; necklace; choker
era during mid-1970s dominated by grand champions Wajima and Kitanoumi
private joke; inside joke
soft windflower; Anemone Flaccida
hourglass-shaped object; sarugaku performance art using such an object
ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta)
flour paste cake in the form of a tube
flour paste cake in the form of a tube
flour paste cake in the form of a tube
Cakraratna; wheel-shaped treasure possessed by the ideal universal ruler, carried in front of him during excursions to allow easy passage
ringed seal (Pusa hispida)
wheel stops; wedges; blocks; linchpin
lens loop
American cockroach (Periplaneta americana)
Anemone nikoensis (species of anemone); ichirinso; poppy anenome
Kalacakra; Wheel of Time (tantric Buddhist deity)
members of the family; insiders
loop (of thread, string, etc.)
traffic accident; automobile accident
cycle of sedimentation
wheel track; tread
bicycle industry
era at the end of 1970s dominated by grand champion Wajima and ozeki Takanohana
era at the end of 1970s dominated by grand champion Wajima and ozeki Takanohana
grand and splendid building
Pieris japonica; fukurin; Lily of the valley bush; andromeda
Fukurin gardenia; Gardenia jasminoide
circular stone or jasper ornament from the Kofun era
dendroclimatology; tree-ring climatology
Miwa Shinto (sect of amalgamated Shinto developed in the Muromachi Period)
gold wheel-turning sage king
lophotrochozoan; any species in the superphylum Lophotrochozoa
Lophotrochozoa (superphylum of protostome animals)
cycle of erosion; geomorphic cycle; geographical cycle
Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic Winter Games
small two-wheeler (e.g. moped)
regular motorcycle
rotifers; rotatoria
collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu)
circular needle (knitting)
circular needle (knitting)
triumphant star turban (species of turban shell, Guildfordia triumphans)
Ryukyu flying fox (Pteropus dasymallus); Ryukyu fruit bat
bluering angelfish (Pomacanthus annularis)
bluering angelfish (Pomacanthus annularis)
fox-and-cubs (Pilosella aurantiaca); orange hawkweed; tawny hawkweed; devil's paintbrush
Senecio flammeus
Japanese short-tailed bat (Eptesicus japonensis)
Examples (65 in total)
"What are you doing?" "I accidentally threw away my precious ring."
How much is this ring?
This ring is too big to wear on my finger.