near; neighbourhood; nearly (e.g. "it took nearly one year"); close to; shortly; soon
to approach; to draw near; to get close; to get acquainted with; to get closer to; to get to know
recently; lately; these days; nearest; closest
near; close; close (in time); soon; close (relationship); friendly
to approach; to draw near
neighbourhood; neighborhood
neighborhood; vicinity; environs; approaching
to bring near; to bring close; to let go near; to associate with; to bring (people) together; to let come near (of a person)
near oneself; close to one; familiar
getting closer; drawing nearer; being not much different; being near (age, skill, etc.); becoming close (i.e. friendly); becoming intimate
proximity; nearness; soon; nearby
lately; recently; nowadays
to approach; to draw near; to get close; to get acquainted with; to get closer to; to get to know
close associate; close aide; brains-truster
neighbourhood; neighborhood; vicinity
near; close by; within reach; familiar
soon; before long; shortly; close (by); near; nearby
neighbourhood; neighborhood; vicinity
proximity; nearness; being nearby; approaching; drawing near; coming close
present day; modern times; recent times; early modern period (in Japan, usu. from the Meiji Restoration until the end of World War II)
to bring near; to bring close; to let go near; to associate with; to bring (people) together; to let come near (of a person)
affinity; feeling of closeness (with someone); feeling of kinship
only recently; just of late
close combat; close(-quarter) fighting; in-fighting
recent state; present state; present condition; current status; current circumstances
near; nearby; not far off
outskirts; environs (of a city); surrounding area; surroundings
lately; recently; nowadays
to make someone's acquaintance; to become acquainted (with)
Imperial Guard (Meiji); personal guard
Ōmi (former province located in present-day Shiga Prefecture)
neighborhood; vicinity; environs; approaching
latest; most recent; nearest (in time)
to approach; to draw near
fast approach; quick intimacy
neighborhood nuisance; neighbourhood nuisance
in a few days; in the near future; soon; one of these days
recent past; recent times; early modern period (from the Azuchi-Momoyama period to the end of the Edo period)
distance; perspective; far and near; here and there
very recently; in the very recent past
acquaintance; making someone's acquaintance
acquaintance; making someone's acquaintance
near; nearby; not far off
neighboring countries; neighbouring countries; surrounding countries
coastal waters; adjacent seas
modernization; modernisation
Kinki (region around Osaka, Kyoto, Nara)
local residents; neighbours; neighbors
attendant; attendance upon another
neighboring villages; neighbouring villages; suburban districts
neighborhood; neighbourhood; vicinity; neighborhood; neighbourhood
interaction with one's neighbors; relationship with one's neighbors (neighbours)
neighbors; neighbours; neighborhood; neighbourhood
nearsightedness; shortsightedness; myopia
approximation; having a close resemblance
a wise man keeps away from danger
unapproachable; inaccessible; difficult to access
close quarters combat; CQC
myopia; shortsightedness; nearsightedness
neighboring districts; neighbouring districts; countryside
interaction with one's neighbors; relationship with one's neighbors (neighbours)
to bring close; to bring near; to associate with (someone); to keep company with; to let come close
modern man; modern person; modernist
to make someone's acquaintance; to become acquainted (with)
modern state; modern nation
Imperial Guard Division (pre-1945)
Kinki region (Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama, Mie and Shiga prefectures)
unapproachable; inaccessible; difficult to access
close relation (association)
neighboring country; neighbouring country; provinces close to Kyoto (under ritsuryo system)
proximity; nearness; soon; nearby
approximate value; approximation
near oneself; close to one; familiar
recent photograph or photography
neighboring prefectures; nearby prefectures
unapproachable; inaccessible; difficult to access
having a small bladder; having an overactive bladder
acquaintance; making someone's acquaintance
acquaintance; making someone's acquaintance
corrective lenses for myopia
the modern era; present day
modern civilization; modern world
related species; allied species
recent situation or conditions
modern architecture; modernist architecture
low latitudes; equatorial region
modern art museum; museum of modern art
neighbourhood dispute (neighborhood); neighbourhood quarrel; grievance with one's neighbour
(interior) corner of a house
surrounding country; neighboring villages
modern music; contemporary music
somewhat near; fairly close
modern history; modern and current history; recent history; recent contemporary history
forthcoming publication; to be published soon; coming soon; recent publication
fire in the neighborhood; fire in the neighbourhood
soon; before long; shortly; close (by); near; nearby
modern poetry; modern-style poetry
lately; recently; in recent times
nearest kin; nearest of blood; next of kin; nearest relative
modern drama; modern theater
immediate neighborhood; immediate neighbourhood
neighboring towns; neighbouring towns
near infrared ray; near infrared radiation
modern Japanese (as spoken in Japan after the Middle Ages); Meiji and Taishō period modern Japanese
museum of modern literature
policy of cultivating distant countries while working to conquer those nearby
neighbourhood dispute (neighborhood); neighbourhood quarrel; grievance with one's neighbour
very recently; in the very recent past
recent situation or conditions
a neighbour is better than a relative living far
immediate cause; proximate cause
administration by close advisers; kitchen cabinet
on sale soon; coming soon
early-modern literature; Edo-period literature (1600-1867)
having one's workplace near one's home
recent past tense (e.g. passato prossimo in Italian); present perfect; recent past
cherry tree east of the southern stairs of the Hall for State Ceremonies (in Heian Palace)
soon; before long; shortly; close (by); near; nearby
nearsightedness; shortsightedness; myopia
bifocal glasses; bifocals
a neighbour is better than a relative living far
modern and contemporary art
banishment (to a nearby province); the least severe of the three banishment punishments under the ritsuryo system
taking a shortcut; neighborhood; neighbourhood
tachibana tree west of the southern stairs of the Hall for State Ceremonies (in Heian Palace)
bifocal glasses; bifocals
agriculture in urban areas
acquaintance; making someone's acquaintance
failure to think of the long term leads to grief in the short term
near; close by; within reach; familiar
a wise man keeps away from danger
false shortsightedness; pseudomyopia
related genera; associated species
rough or approximate calculation
fish found in coastal waters
proximal pronoun (indicating proximity to the speaker, i. e., kore, koko, kochira)
(noise, smell, air, water) pollution in the neighborhood
Kinmirai Seiji Kenkyūkai (faction of the LDP)
near point (closest point at which an object can be brought into focus by the eye); periapsis
pseudonoise sequence; pn sequence
good fences make good neighbors; a hedge between keeps friendship green
blue are the hills that are far away; the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence; (lit.) far away smells of flowers; close up smells of dung
current delivery; near delivery; new delivery; nearby futures contract
near maturity (esp. futures contract)
inbreeding coefficient; coefficient of consanguinity
most recent common ancestor
inbred line; inbred strain
early modern Japanese; Japanese as spoken during the Edo period
alveolar lateral approximant; clear l
near summer; end of spring
near summer; end of spring
anomaly; angular distance of a planet from its perihelion as seen from the sun
perihelion shift (for a planet)
short-range wireless communication; near field communication; NFC
local density approximation; LDA
good fences make good neighbors; a hedge between keeps friendship green
(lit.) plan ahead or you will soon have worries
(lit.) plan ahead or you will soon have worries
single site approximation
by human nature we are close, through practice we grow apart; by nature, near together; by practice far apart
by human nature we are close, through practice we grow apart; by nature, near together; by practice far apart
merchants from Ise and Ōmi do not waste their money (unlike Edoites); (lit.) robbers from Ōmi, beggars from Ise
three Cs; three conditions that facilitate the transmission of infectious diseases (closed spaces, crowds, and close contact)
cheap, short in duration, and close to home (of a trip, vacation, etc.)
cheap, short in duration, and close to home (of a trip, vacation, etc.)
neighborhood commercial zone