FrequencyTop 2300-2400
KankenLevel Pre-2
Composed of
flat and thin
Used in vocabulary (41 in total)
universal; omnipresent; ubiquitous
once; one time; exclusively; only; alone
entirety; whole; balance (in Zen); equality
number of times
travels; pilgrimage; itinerancy
universal; general; ubiquitous; omnipresent
once more; again
(all) at once; at the same time; in one go; right away; in an instant
widely; extensively; far and wide; everywhere; all around; generally
universality; ubiquity; omnipresence; catholicity
perfunctory; cursory; passing; chance (e.g. customer); transient; stray
repeatedly; several times; many times
how many times; how often
equally; thoroughly; all over; uniformly; without exception; all around
omnipresence; ubiquity
pilgrimage; pilgrim
history of one's love affairs
million times; praying a million times
one's history of love affairs with women
equally; thoroughly; all over; uniformly; without exception; all around
universal illumination (esp. in Buddhism, by the dharma-body)
ability to fit into any situation
Mahavairocana (esp. in esoteric Buddhism)
universal validity; fitting into any situation
Shikoku pilgrimage (to the 88 temples); Shikoku pilgrim
perfunctory; going-through-the-motions-sort of (invitation, gift, etc.)
pilgrim; nomad; itinerant
repeated reading (makes the meaning clear); reading something again and again (will lead one to realize its meaning)
universal principle; universal principles
(debate over) the problem of universals
equally; thoroughly; all over; uniformly; without exception; all around
equally; thoroughly; all over; uniformly; without exception; all around
wrasse (any fish of family Labridae)
natural calamity; striking phenomena in heaven and earth
honest to a fault; one's only strength being his (her) honesty; having no redeeming feature except for being honest
universal classification system; general classification system
repeated reading makes the meaning clear; read a difficult book a hundred times
Examples (5 in total)
It has no absolute and universal significance.
Answer accurately in one go.
I've never been to Hokkaido.