large bell
FrequencyTop 1700-1800
KankenLevel 3
Composed of
Used in vocabulary (70 in total)
bell (often a large hanging bell); chime
chimes; toll of a bell
to beat fast (of a heart); to hammer
alarm bell; fire bell; warning; wake-up call
to ring an alarm bell; to sound a warning; to blow a whistle; to warn
belfry; bell tower
temple bell rung 108 times on New Year's Eve
fire alarm; fire bell
temple bell; hanging bell; funeral bell
temple bell; hanging bell; funeral bell
bonshō; Buddhist temple bell
time bell; chime of a time bell
cracked bell
(Western) bell tower; campanile; belfry
evening bell; curfew
cracked bell
belfry; bell tower
ringing of a bell; bell ringer
sound of a bell
bell-ringing (at a temple)
T-shaped wooden bell hammer
resounding voice; thunderous voice
to strike a bell
bell or gong used to signal soldiers
cracked bell
campanula; bellflower
inscription on a temple bell
resounding voice; thunderous voice
to ring an alarm bell; to sound a warning; to blow a whistle; to warn
long cloak worn by soldiers, students, etc. (Meiji period)
limestone cave; limestone cavern
(in China) 8th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. A); sixth lunar month
cracked bell
(in Japan) 8th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. A)
resounding voice; thunderous voice
evening bell; vespers bell
fire alarm ringing continuously to warn that a fire is extremely near; sound as produced by this alarm
ōshiki mode (one of the six main gagaku modes)
twilight tolling of a bell
belfry; bell tower
night-watch bell; bells tolling out the old year
belfry; bell tower; campanile
temple bell; (in Japan) 7th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. G sharp)
two ill-matched things; two poorly balanced things; (lit.) temple bells to paper lanterns
(in China) 4th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. F); second lunar month
(in China) 12th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. C sharp); tenth month of the lunar calendar
large hanging bell
cracked bell
temple bell; hanging bell; funeral bell
campanula; bellflower
long cloak worn by soldiers, students, etc. (Meiji period)
fire alarm ringing continuously to warn that a fire is extremely near; sound as produced by this alarm
fire alarm ringing continuously to warn that a fire is extremely near; sound as produced by this alarm
belfry; bell tower; campanile
two ill-matched things; two poorly balanced things; (lit.) temple bells to paper lanterns
bell animalcule (insect)
wing-rings (weapon)
bronze-vessel and bell inscriptions
1st note of the traditional Chinese chromatic scale (approx. D); eleventh lunar month
bianzhong (ancient Chinese musical instrument; bronze bells set in a wooden frame, played with a mallet)
Chinese bushberry; bush cherry; Prunus japonica
electric signal bell (esp. at railway crossings)
Examples (8 in total)
The church bells are ringing.
The bell is ringing.
As soon as the bell rang, we got up.