FrequencyTop 300-400
Shinjitai ?
KankenLevel 4
Old form
Composed of
comb a patch of hair
Used in vocabulary (183 in total)
hair (on the head)
hair (of the head)
forelock; bangs
hair style; coiffure; hairdo
white hair; grey hair; gray hair
silver hair; gray hair; grey hair
hair ornaments
hair dyed brown
immediately; instantly; with nary a pause; without a moment's delay
hair (on the head)
to get a haircut; to give a haircut; to cut hair
hair style; coiffure; hairdo
barrette; hair clip; hair slide; hair band
hair on the back of one's head
to arrange one's hair; to tidy up one's hair
hair (on the head); tresses; locks
to comb one's hair
to do something with painful reluctance; (lit.) to have one's hair pulled from behind
by a hair's breadth; in the nick of time; touch and go; close call; critical moment
(having a) haircut; hair-cutting; hair-dressing
gray or silver haired (grey)
immediately; instantly; with nary a pause; without a moment's delay
immediately; instantly; with nary a pause; without a moment's delay
grizzled; (hair) streaked with grey (gray)
hair type; hair quality
immediately; instantly; with nary a pause; without a moment's delay
immediately; instantly; with nary a pause; without a moment's delay
close call; narrow escape
immediately; instantly; with nary a pause; without a moment's delay
to let down one's hair; to undo hair
to fix one's hair (hairdo) (esp. if disheveled); to straighten one's hair; to make an adjustment to one's hair; to do (up) one's hair
furious; infuriated
curly hair; curled hair
glossy black hair; green hair
to comb (one's hair)
hairdressing product (creams, gels, etc.); hairdressing fee; charge for a haircut
to comb (one's hair)
washing one's hair; having a shampoo
barbershop; barber shop
hairdresser; hairdressing
wearing one's hair knotted in the back
tonsure; shaving one's head (upon entering the Buddhist priesthood)
to comb one's hair
newly washed hair; wet hair
pigtails; two plaits hanging about one's shoulders; two plaits hanging down one's back; queue
hairdresser; hairdressing
grizzled; (hair) streaked with grey (gray)
cutting of hair (to a short length); haircutting; bobbed hair; bob
immediately; instantly; with nary a pause; without a moment's delay
unkempt hair; disheveled hair; tousled hair
grizzled; (hair) streaked with grey (gray)
to let one's hair hang down
hairstyle introduced in the Meiji era consisting in a bun or chignon tied at the back of the head
to put up one's hair
barber; barbershop; barber shop
freshly washed hair
hair of the deceased
hair (of the head)
disheveled hair; unravelled hair
hair; hair's breadth
to comb one's hair
prematurely gray hair; prematurely grey hair
loose and disheveled hair
pigtails; two plaits hanging about one's shoulders; two plaits hanging down one's back; queue
unkempt hair
hair styling product (oil, etc.); hairdressing
traditional Japanese women's hairstyle
hairdressing; hairdo
hair dyeing
hair at the temples; hair at the sides of the head
hair dye (for graying hair)
hairpiece; false hair; wig
hair oil; hair cream
to put up one's hair
to boil with rage; to be infuriated
pigtail; queue; cue
having thin hair
scruff of neck
glossy black hair (young woman); raven black hair
curly hair; curled hair
pigtail; ponytail; hair (hanging down the back)
wearing one's hair up; coming-of-age ceremony where 12 to 13-year-old girls get their long hair tied up; wearing one's hair up with a hairpin (type of hairstyle used by court ladies)
Western hairdressing
untonsured (monk or priest or nun)
hair tied behind and hanging down; long flowing hair
barrette; hair clip; hair slide; hair band
disheveled hair; unravelled hair
retirement ceremony of a wrestler where his top-knot is cut
pigtail; queue; cue
an old woman's gray hair; old woman with white hair
forelock; hair on top of the head
unkempt hair
beautiful hair
classic Japanese women's low pompadour hairstyle
classic Japanese women's low pompadour hairstyle
bobbed hair
hairstyle with buns on each side of the head
being in a towering rage; boiling with rage
hair tied behind and hanging down; long flowing hair
Edo-era barbershop
long hair style popular in the Genroku era
entire human body; every inch of one's body
false hair; hairpiece; hair filler
female hairdresser; coiffeuse
growing old together (as a couple); white hemp thread (as a betrothal gift, representing the hair of an old couple)
ceremony of allowing the hair to grow at age three
kanji "hair" radical at top
barber; barbershop; barber shop
long-horned beetle
Coma Berenices (constellation); the Berenice's Hair
haircut; barbering
female hairstyle
casual hairstyle
natural hair
hair on one's head; head; top of one's head; kanji "hair" radical at top
newly washed hair; wet hair
hair messed up in sleep
female hairdresser; coiffeuse
opportunity has hair in front, but behind she is bald; opportunity only knocks once
hair style where the hair is tied up in a bundle on the back of the head (resembling the shape of a tea whisk)
growing old together (as a couple); white hemp thread (as a betrothal gift, representing the hair of an old couple)
barbershop; barber shop
hair parted in the middle
baldness; balding; bald head
hairstyle with the bangs cut completely straight
frost-white hair
ceremony of allowing the hair to grow at age three
cutting one's hair before entering a monastery; tonsure
false hair; switch
long-horned beetle
barbershop; barber shop
crepitus; crepitation
hairpiece; false hair; switch; (arch.) hair
ornate hairpin
ogo (seaweed)
freshly washed hair
pigtail; queue; cue
hair tied behind and hanging down; long flowing hair
long hair style popular in the Genroku era
false hair; hairpiece; hair filler
ornate hairpin store
hair that is smoothed down
hair that is smoothed down
immediately; instantly; with nary a pause; without a moment's delay
rope made of hair
(a statesman making) extraordinary efforts to find and employ capable persons (persons of great wisdom)
(a Buddhist monk or priest or nun) without head shaven and not wearing religious garb
unkempt hair and shabby clothes
fashionable hairstyle, particularly to attract members of the opposite sex
short-trimmed mane (of a horse)
shoulder-length hairstyle for children
powder for cleaning the hair; powder shampoo
rapid growth of hair when one is relaxed
filial piety begins with not harming one's own body (as one's entire body was given by one's parents)
filial piety begins with not harming one's own body (as one's entire body was given by one's parents)
hawkweed oxtongue (Picris hieracioides subsp. japonica)
Japanese mountain mole (Euroscaptor mizura)
hoary marmot (Marmota caligata)
Examples (200 in total)
She has long hair.
His hair has turned white.
Her hair is turning gray.