something like ...; things like ...; someone like ...; the likes of ...
honorific/polite/humble prefix
face; mask; face guard; (in kendo) striking the head; surface (esp. a geometrical surface); page; aspect
but; however; even; however; no matter how; ... or something; either ... or ...
considerably; fairly; quite
favorable treatment; favourable treatment; hospitality; warm reception; good treatment; hearty welcome
to be (of animate objects); to exist; to stay; to be ...-ing; to have been ...-ing
weekend; Saturday and Sunday
rest; recess; vacation; holiday; dormancy (of a silkworm prior to moulting)
hostel; dormitory; (arch.) bureau (government department beneath a ministry under the ritsuryo system); (arch.) tea-ceremony room; (arch.) villa
company; corporation; workplace
grateful; thankful; welcome; appreciated; evoking gratitude
difficult; hard; impossible; unfeasible; fussy; particular; gloomy
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
mostly; nearly; practically; well-nigh; almost invariably; all but
and; besides; because; since; the thing is; for one thing
to say; to speak; to tell; to talk
condition; term; requirement; qualification; prerequisite
everything; all; the whole; entirely; completely; wholly
to satisfy (conditions, one's appetite, etc.); to meet (e.g. demands); to fulfill; to fill (e.g. a cup); to pack; to supply
very; considerably; by no means; not readily; middle; half-way point
and the like; such as; or something; something like; I hear that ...; people say that...
to leave (in someone's keeping); to put (in someone's care); to put (someone) in charge of; to leave (a matter) in someone's hands; to lean on; to put one's weight on
-ness; indicates assertion; come; come now
valuable article; valuables
all; entire; whole; altogether
to change; to swap; to change the object of one's interest or focus; to spend or take time; to infect; to permeate something with the smell or colour of something; to move on to the next or different stage of (a plan, etc.)
(if) by some chance; by some possibility; in the unlikely event that; (unlikely event of) emergency; the worst(-case scenario)
something; some; somehow; for some reason; (is there) something (you want, etc.)
disagreeable; detestable; unpleasant; reluctant
honest; frank; candid; honestly; frankly
in this way; thus; such; uh...
to be seen; to be in sight; to look; to seem; to come
extension; elongation; prolongation; Enchō era (923.4.11-931.4.26)
child; kid; (one's) child; offspring; young (animal); young woman; offshoot
as is; as it is; as things are; like this; this way; at this rate
to remain; to stay (somewhere)
intention; plan; belief; assumption; estimate; estimation
no!; no no!; no, not at all
as one would expect; naturally; indeed; still; all the same; after all
no matter how you put it; whatever the circumstances may be; say what you like; no matter how you look at it
go that far; to that extent
something or other; one thing or another; this or that
sweet-tasting; sweet; fragrant (smelling); sweet (music); lightly salted; light in salt; naive
don't; do; hey; listen; now, ...; well, ...