pluralizing suffix (esp. for people and animals; formerly honorific)
to work (someone) hard; to push (someone) around
important; serious; valuable; precious; serious matter; major incident
to throw away; to cast away; to abandon; to desert; to give up; to resign
two persons; two people; pair; couple
to search for; to look for; to hunt for; to search (a house, pocket, etc.); to search through; to rummage in (e.g. a drawer)
school building; schoolhouse
opposite side; bottom; rear; back; lining; inside; in the shadows
stinking; smelly; suspicious; fishy; clumsy; unskilled
skip it; drop it; I've had enough (e.g. when offered something); that's enough
to be found; to be discovered
looking for something; searching for something; object being sought
good luck charm; uttered when using magic; abracadabra; presto
to lose (something); to mislay; to get rid of; to eliminate; to remove
name; given name; first name
inverted; upside down; reversed; back to front
with these words; while saying
sound; noise; note; fame; Chinese-derived character reading
thank you for waiting; sorry to have kept you waiting
terrible; dreadful; amazing (e.g. of strength); great (e.g. of skills); to a great extent; vast (in numbers)
outside; exterior; the open (air); other place; somewhere else
so; like this; in this way
inside; interior; among; within; middle; center; during
misfortune; bad luck; ill luck; ill fortune
specialist shop; shop specializing in a few types of product
unpublished; not yet announced
section (i.e. of text); sentence; phrase; verse (of 5 or 7 mora in Japanese poetry; of 4, 5, or 7 characters in Chinese poetry); haiku; first 17 morae of a renga, etc.
literary world; literary circles
haiku; 17-mora poem, usu. in 3 lines of 5, 7 and 5 morae
to compose (a Japanese poem); to write; to use as the theme of a poem; to recite (e.g. a poem); to chant; to intone
to feel (as if); to have a feeling (that); to have a hunch (that); to feel like doing; to want to do
hot (thing); passionate (feelings, etc.); ardent; hot (e.g. temper); zealous; enthusiastic; intense
to change; to be transformed; to move to; to be different; to be uncommon
comparatively; quite; rather; rate; ratio; percentage
head; hair (on one's head); mind; brains; leader; chief; top
tail (animal); tail end; tip
that being the case; because of ...; the reason is ...; given that ...
poverty-stricken; destitute; poor; penurious
one; for one thing; only; (not) even; just (e.g. "just try it"); some kind of; one type of
living in obscurity; lying low; remaining unnoticed
to grant (request, wish); to answer (prayer); to fulfill (conditions); to meet (requirements)