rearing; training; nurture; cultivation; promotion
cutting edge; leading edge; forefront; tip; end
equipment; facilities; installation; accommodations; conveniences; arrangements
concentration (of efforts, forces, etc.); gathering together; regimentation; marshalling; mobilization
altitude; height; elevation; high-degree; high-grade; advanced
implementation (e.g. of a system); materialization; materialisation; realization; realisation; actualization
(Platonic) ideal (of how things ought to be, e.g. human rights); foundational principle; idea; conception (e.g. of the university); doctrine; ideology
meeting; assembly; party; society; association; club
Mr.; Mrs.; makes a word more polite (usu. in fixed expressions); state; situation
honorific/polite/humble prefix; honorific suffix
indicates word or phrase being defined; used for quoting (thoughts, speech, etc.); with; (not) as much as; (not) so much as; the fact that
success in life; getting ahead; successful career; promotion; climbing the corporate ladder; eminence
thing; object; one's things; possessions; things; something; quality
to make; to produce; to prepare (food); to brew (alcohol); to raise; to grow; to till
contribution (furthering a goal or cause); services (to a cause)
to; for; from the standpoint of; as far as ... is concerned
so; therefore; accordingly; consequently; on those grounds; that is why
very; extremely; terrible; horrid; remarkable; extraordinary
splendid; fine; praiseworthy; creditable; legal; legitimate
will; resolution; kindness; goodwill; gift (as a token of gratitude)
honour; honor; glory; privilege
student (esp. a university student)
activity (of a person, organization, animal, volcano, etc.); action; movie (esp. during the silent movie period)
also; too; not ... either; (it's not possible) no matter what; although one might wish otherwise
to grapple with; to wrestle with; to engage in a bout; to tackle (e.g. a problem); to come to grips with; to work hard on
conference; council; convention
aid; assistance; help; cheering; rooting (for); support
to cease; to desist; to cut it out; to lay off (an activity); to drop (a subject) to abolish; to resign
considerable; great; important; significant; a big deal
popularity; public favor; condition (e.g. market); tone; character
(a) little; somewhat; somehow
dear (old); fondly-remembered; beloved; missed; nostalgic
entry to school or university; matriculation; enrolment (in university, etc.) (enrollment)
(approximate) time; around; suitable time (or condition); time of year; season
to lose; to be defeated; to succumb; to give in; to be inferior to; to break out in a rash due to (e.g. lacquer, shaving, etc.)
book; volume; this; present; main; head
to read a large number (of); to read widely; to read everything that one can lay one's hands on (usu. of specific type, genre)
riches; wealth; resources; lottery
mountain stream; valley; dale; wetlands; swamp; marsh
frantic; frenetic; inevitable death; brinkmate (inevitable checkmate)
to bite at; to snap at; to nibble; to get one's teeth into (metaphorically); to get to grips with; to really get into