How do you do?; I am glad to meet you
Burnes; Burns; Byrnes; Bahns
courage; bravery; valour; valor; nerve; boldness
genius; prodigy; natural gift
that is so; that is right; it looks to me; people say that; it is said that; I hear that
to be aware of; to know; to notice; to feel; to understand; to comprehend; to remember
continuously in some state (for a long time, distance); throughout; much (better, etc.); by far; far away; long ago
dangerous; risky; awful; terrible; terrific; amazing
to grow up; to become an adult; to become big; to grow in size
primary school; elementary school; grade school
year; counter for years (e.g. of an era), grades (e.g. school); period of an apprentice's contract (usu. ten years)
third year of junior high school; third-year junior high school student
why?; what for?; how?; by what means?
now; the present time; just now; another; more
to become; to get; to result in; to turn out; to consist of; to be composed of; to be completed
sit down; sit up; Sit! (to a dog)
please (give me); please (do for me)
sorry; excuse me; thank you
yes; that is correct; um; errr; huh?; grrr
incredible; unbelievable; terrific; impressive
good-looking guy; handsome man; hunk; Adonis; cool guy
half; biracial person (esp. half-Japanese); person of mixed parentage
oh!; good heavens!; ugh!; oh no!; ah!; the penny drops!
where; what place; how much (long, far); what extent
(United States of) America; United States; US; America (land mass); the Americas
medium; average; moderation; middle school; China; volume two (of three); during (a certain time when one did or is doing something)
Bonin white-eye (Apalopteron familiare)
shop; store; somebody who sells (something) or works as (something); somebody with a (certain) personality trait; house; roof
to work; to labor; to function; to operate; to commit (e.g. a crime); to perpetrate
(TV or radio) entertainer; television personality; talent; skill; talent (ancient unit of weight and currency)
system; lineage; corollary; system (range of strata that correspond to a particular time period); (taxonomical) series
ah!; oh!; yes; indeed; aah; gah
-like; sort of; similar to; resembling
just (e.g. "just wait here"); come now; tolerably; passably; well...; I think...
occasionally; once in a while; now and then; rarely; seldom
model; dummy; model (profession); fashion model; model (of a vehicle, machine, etc.); version; model (e.g. mathematical)