to be much obliged (to someone); to receive favor (favour); to be indebted; to be grateful
next; hypo- (i.e. containing an element with low valence); order; sequence
(shopping) cart; kart; go-kart
important; momentous; essential; principal; major
as much as one can; as much as possible; if at all possible
detention (usu. during investigation); imprisonment; poundage; custody
needle; pin; hook; stinger; thorn; hand (e.g. clock, etc.); pointer
pin (e.g. hairpin, bowling pin, golf pin, etc.); one (on dice, in cards, etc.); beginning; best; kickback
bipolar (in electronics); bi-polar
muscle; tendon; vein; artery; fiber; fibre; line
trepanning; trepanation; trephining
drill bit; drill; drill (practice); drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus)
careful; cautious; prudent; discreet; deliberate
to tear off; to peel off; to rip off; to strip off; to skin; to flay
space (room, area, outer space)
re-; again; repeated; deutero-; deuto-; deuter-
the reverse; other side; lining
center; centre; middle; -centered; -centred; -focused
drawing up (e.g. legal document, contract, will, etc.); preparing; writing; framing; making; producing
tunnel; to tunnel (through a potential barrier); letting a grounder go through one's legs
one thin flat object; one sheet
preoperative (preparation, diagnosis, etc.)
to push; to press; to apply pressure from above; to press down; to stamp (i.e. a passport); to apply a seal; to affix (e.g. gold leaf)
economy class syndrome (occurrence of deep vein thrombosis in air travelers)
reopening; resumption; restarting
in spite of; nevertheless; although; despite; no matter the; regardless of
doubt; question; suspicion; dubiousness
to hold in one's arms (e.g. a baby); to embrace; to hug; to have (a thought or feeling); to hold; to harbour (suspicion, doubt, etc.)
painful; being sorry; feeling sorry