a step; short distance; short time
Post-it®; Post-it note; sticky note
supermarket; subtitles; telop; superheterodyne; super
while; during; while; although; all; both
to paint (draw) a picture
(way of) life; living; livelihood; life circumstances
helpless; forlorn; hopeless; unpromising; lonely; discouraging
selection; classification; sorting; screening; triage
instead of; in place of; as a substitute for; in exchange for; in return for; to make up for
to entrust (e.g. a task) to another; to leave to; to passively leave to someone else's facilities; to leave to take its natural course; to continue (something) in a natural fashion (without particular aim); to rely fully on one's (full strength, great ability, long time taken) to get something done
(in a) long time; long time (ago); while (ago); long ago; long while (ago); (in a) long while
to stick into (of something with a sharp point); to prick; to pierce; to resonate emotionally; to move
smack in the middle; perfect strike; bull's eye; perfect (for something or someone); just right; just the way one likes it
being attracted by physical looks only; person who puts much store by good looks
cooperation; collaboration
dweller; inhabitant; resident; user (of a website)
fellow; mutual; companion; comrade
tangent point; point of contact; contact (electrical, etc.); point of agreement; common ground
such; like that; that sort of; very
futility; waste; uselessness; pointlessness; idleness
social life; social intercourse
anything and everything; just about everything
to cut down; to slay; to truncate; to round down; to omit; to discard
to forget something ever existed; to pretend something didn't happen; to put something behind one; to forgive (something)
to be lost (e.g. luggage); to be missing; to be used up; to be run out; to disappear (e.g. pain); to be lost (e.g. a dream, confidence)
method; manner; appearance; air; tendency; folk song (genre of the Shi Jing)
to be absent; to take a day off; to rest; to have a break; to go to bed; to (lie down to) sleep
I'm off; see you later; to go (and then come back)
have a good day; take care; see you
more and more; all the more; at last; finally; (at the) last moment; worst possible time
box; case; car (of a train, etc.); shamisen case; shamisen; public building; community building
such; this sort of; like this
one's turn; one's shift; one's turn on stage; screen time; screentime
to be careful; to pay attention; to take care
endorsing and questioning the preceding statement; lamenting reflections on the preceding statement
narrow; confined; small; limited; narrow-minded; confining
safe; in (of a ball, in tennis, etc.); all right; OK
perfectly; right on the mark; spot on; enough; sufficiently; thoroughly
I'm sorry; (it's) inexcusable; thank you very much (for help, etc.)
considerably; greatly; a lot
to be finished; to be completed; to be done
as you see; as you can see
to hold back others from achieving success; to stand in the way of; to sabotage
almost; roughly; approximately
favourable; favorable; doing well; OK; all right
please remember me; please help me; please treat me well; please do; please take care of