condominium (usu. mid or high-rise); apartment building; apartment house; block of flats; apartment; flat
contract; compact; agreement
crash; smash; bang; sound of a large, heavy object falling
edict; public announcement
after all; in the end; conclusion; end; end of a game of go, shogi, etc.
to be found; to be discovered
conclusion from reasoning, judgement or calculation based on something read or heard; reason; cause; meaning; circumstances; situation
(I) will; (I) shall; let's; (I) wonder (if); might it be (that); hey
opening (a new store, golf course, runway, etc.); open; frank; open (car, collar, tournament, etc.)
flapping; rattling (sound); noisily; commotion; kerfuffle
to move (house); to change residence
preparation; arrangements; getting ready; provision; setup; reserving
departure; leaving; going away; recession
day; days; sun; sunshine; (the) day; daytime; date
so; therefore; accordingly; consequently; on those grounds; that is why
custom; practice; said; aforementioned; instance; example
story; tale; talk; discussion
Island; insula; island; islet
studying abroad; studying at a different school, etc. (usu. for a specific purpose)
space (between); gap; period of time (during, while); duration; between (two parties or things); among (a group); relations (between)
care; looking after; trouble; bother; good offices; recommendation
condition; term; requirement; qualification; prerequisite
10,000; ten thousand; myriad; everything; all; (arch.) various
good thing; strong point; good family; prestigious school; the right moment; utter
arrival (of post, news, correspondence, etc.); receiving (a phone call, email, etc.)
chime; bell (e.g. doorbell)
understood; I see; OK; present; here
to open (a door, etc.); to unwrap (e.g. parcel, package); to open (for business, etc.); to empty; to remove; to move out; to clear out
to come; to go; to be (somewhere); to be (doing)
one's house; one's home; one's family
good; excellent; sufficient; enough; profitable (deal, business offer, etc.); beneficial
nori; laver; edible seaweed, usu. Porphyra yezoensis or P. tenera, usu. dried and pressed into sheets
coming; going; being (somewhere); come; go; stay
previously; before; first; before (something or someone else); beforehand; in advance
taking care of one's health; recuperation; covering (with a protective material); coating; curing (concrete)
stairs; stairway; staircase
to rise; to go up; to enter (esp. from outdoors); to come in; to enter (a school); to advance to the next grade; to get out (of water)