that kind of; of the sort; of the kind; such
yes; yeah; hum; hmmm; oof
to recall; to remember; to recollect
mother-in-law; foster mother; step mother
always; all the time; never; usual; regular
only; merely; approximately; about; just (finished, etc.); as if to; (as though) about to
(metropolitan) prefecture (of Osaka and Kyoto); the centre or seat (of) (center); (government) office; fu; historical administrative unit in China, Korea and Vietnam
bringing up; rearing; upbringing
house of parliament (congress, diet, etc.); graduate school; postgraduate school; institution (often medical); institutional building; sub-temple; minor temple building
year by year; annually; every year; from year to year
the number of people; many people; a large number of people; (counted as an) adult
seeming ...; appearing ...; -ish; like a ...; typical of ...
to look after; to take care of; to be put in charge of; to be given responsibility for; to withhold (an announcement); to reserve (judgment)
is it?; isn't it?; be; is
important; serious; valuable; precious; serious matter; major incident
people; citizens; subjects; folk
as it is; as one likes; because; condition; state
to throw out one's chest; to be puffed up with pride
to exchange (things); to convert (currency); to be in contrast (to); to contrast (with)
in addition; furthermore; above (which); on top of (which)
machine; mechanism; instrument; appliance; apparatus
cotton fabrics; cotton textiles
import; importation; introduction; afferent
large number; innumerable; great many; immense; vast; abundant
large quantity; massive (quantity); mass (e.g. mass production, mass transit, mass destruction)
to stream; to flow (liquid, time, etc.); to be washed away; to be carried; to drift; to float (e.g. clouds); to sweep (e.g. rumour, fire)
ignorance; innocence; stupidity
foreigner (esp. one of European ancestry); different person
nonexistent; not being (there); not having; not
doctor; PhD; exposition; fair; exhibition
bad (taste); unpalatable; poor; unskillful; ugly; unattractive
seed (e.g. of a plant); pip; material (e.g. for an article); matter (e.g. of a story); ingredient; leaven (bread); cause
shop; store; somebody who sells (something) or works as (something); somebody with a (certain) personality trait; house; roof