any; anything; whatever; I am told; I hear; I understand
yes; that is correct; um; errr; huh?; grrr
match; game; bout; contest
to rule; to govern; to administer
god; deity; incredible; fantastic; (arch.) Emperor (of Japan); (arch.) thunder
although I say; although one might say; although called
exaggeration; overstatement; saying too much; misstatement; slip of the tongue; gaffe
to entrust; to leave to a person
one; for one thing; only; (not) even; just (e.g. "just try it"); some kind of; one type of
victory or defeat; match; contest; game
so; therefore; accordingly; like I said; I told you already
from now on; after this; in the future; from here; from this point
event; phenomenon; matter
everything; all; the whole; entirely; completely; wholly
to miss; to overlook; to let pass (a matter); to overlook (e.g. a wrongdoing); to pass up (e.g. an opportunity); to let (a good ball) go by
blink (of eyes); wink; twinkling (of stars); flicker (of light); blink (of light)
wrong; not good; hopeless; past hope; must not do
pool for soaking seed rice before planting
disagreeable; detestable; unpleasant; reluctant
willingness (e.g. to do something); eagerness; motivation; inspiration; determination; high aspirations
coming out; going out; attending (work); appearing (on stage); start; beginning; origins
area; vicinity; side; edge; circumstances
thin; slender; fine; unlucky
will not do; do not; does not
sense; idea; desire; concern; attention; care
that; that thing; that person; then; that time; that place (over there); down there (i.e. one's genitals)
piece; fragment; one (object)
eye; eyeball; eyesight; sight; look; stare; notice
to fall below (esp. figures: profits, unemployment rate, etc.); to be less than; to be lower than; to fall just short of; to be just under
(one's) exclusive use; private use; dedicated use; use for a particular purpose; exclusive use (of particular products); using only (e.g. a certain brand)
is not; am not; are not; isn't it?
such; this sort of; like this
time; hour; occasion; case; chance; opportunity
to talk; to speak; to tell; to explain; to speak (a language)
you; buddy; monarch; ruler; he; she
from here; from this place
to be seen; to be in sight; to look; to seem; to come
westering sun; setting sun; afternoon sun
-like; sort of; similar to; resembling
imagination; supposition; guess
to try to ...; to be about to do ...; to decide to ...; to take as; to treat as; to use for; to suppose that (such) is the case
to one's heart's content; as much as one wants; as hard as one can; resolution; decisiveness; determination