more and more; all the more; at last; finally; (at the) last moment; worst possible time
practice; putting into practice; implementation; praxis (philosophy)
he; she; this; this one; Hey, you!; You bastard!
to wear (in modern Japanese, from the shoulders down); to put on; to bear (guilt, etc.)
wrong; not good; hopeless; past hope; must not do
to pick up; to adopt (e.g. a proposal); to accept; to take away; to confiscate; to deliver (a baby)
to change; to alter; to transform; to reform; to revise; to amend
where; which; anyway; anyhow; sooner or later; eventually
to notice; to recognize; to recognise; to become aware of; to perceive; to realize
beginning; outset; first; onset
high class; high grade; high rank; seniority
shelf; ledge; rack; trellis
to aim at (with a weapon, etc.); to be after (something or someone); to have an eye on; to aim for; to set up as a goal
cheap article; poor quality article
at the very beginning; first of all; first and foremost; before anything else
to snatch away; to dispossess; to steal
that is to say; so that means
prior; beforehand; in advance; before the fact; ex ante
very likely; very probable
person; character; one's character; one's personality; able person; talented person
interval; period of time; among; between; good opportunity; chance
offer; tender; providing; sponsoring (a TV program)
I'm off; see you later; to go (and then come back)
vajra (indestructible substance); diamond; adamantine; thunderbolt; Indra's weapon; Buddhist symbol of the indestructible truth
circle; entirety; whole; money; dough; enclosure inside a castle's walls; soft-shelled turtle
six (long cylindrical things)
tree; shrub; bush; wood; timber
to come; to go; to be (somewhere); to be (doing)
there; over there; genitals; private parts; that far; that much
day in question; appointed day; that very day; the day (of issue, publication, etc.)
request; favour (to ask); wish; please
here I am; I'm home!; presently; right away; right now
what's the matter?; what's wrong?; what happened (to) ...?; what have you done (with) ...?; where is ...?
monitoring; watching; observation; surveillance; guarding; supervision
from now; from the present moment; from this time forward; henceforth
to turn back (e.g. half-way); to return; to go back; to recover (e.g. something lost); to be returned; to rebound
to be able (to); to be possible (to)
recently; lately; these days; nearest; closest