careless; stupid; thoughtless; heedless; unobservant; inadvertent
plan; scheme; plot; design; project; intention
to sense; to suspect; to get an inkling (of something); to get wind of; to smell (e.g. danger); to become aware of (e.g. a plot)
any kind of; every; whatsoever; whatever
to start; to begin; to challenge; to pick (a fight); to set (traps); to plant (explosives)
enough; sufficient; sufficiently; fully; division into ten
to think (about, of); to think over; to consider; to bear in mind; to think (that); to believe; to intend (to do)
to differ (from); to vary; to not be in the usual condition; to not match the correct (answer, etc.); to be different from promised; isn't it?
when it becomes; when it comes to
to decide; to choose; to clinch (a victory); to decide (the outcome of a match); to persist in doing; to go through with; to always do
myself; yourself; I; me; you
willful; wilful; selfish; carefree; do-as-you-please; freewheeling
be; is; did; (have) done; please; do
here; this place; this point; here; these past ... (e.g. three years); these last ...
until (a time); till; to (a place or person); as far as; to (an extent); up to
wrong; not good; hopeless; past hope; must not do
loss; damage; harm; disadvantage; handicap; drawback
no; nay; well; er; you're welcome; not at all
rather; better; instead; if anything
advantage; benefit; profit; interest
behind; rear; after; later; remainder; the rest; more (e.g. five more minutes)
to pull; to tug; to draw (attention, sympathy, etc.); to attract (e.g. interest); to draw back (e.g. one's hand); to draw in (one's chin, stomach, etc.); to draw (a card, mahjong tile, etc.)
probably isn't (doesn't, won't, etc.); don't (doesn't) intend to; intend not to; must not; (when used in an imperative sentence) don't
marriage ceremony; wedding
to put in order; to arrange; to get ready; to prepare; to work out (e.g. business deal); to arrange (e.g. marriage)
coming; going; being (somewhere); come; go; stay
April; fourth month in the lunar calendar
to decide; to determine; to establish; to lay down; to bring peace (to); to make peaceful
to hold (an event); to give (a dinner, party, etc.); to feel (sensation, emotion, call of nature, etc.); to show signs of
all; everyone; everybody; everything
to be aware of; to know; to notice; to feel; to understand; to comprehend; to remember
craftsman; artisan; workman; carpenter
first-person plural (or singular); second or third person plural (implies speaker is of higher status than those referred to)
mansion; palace; (arch.) nobleman; (arch.) noblewoman; (arch.) cabin (on a boat, carriage, etc.)
household items; furniture; furnishings; (arch.) bow and arrow
morning; breakfast; (arch.) next morning
mess; spoiled; spoilt; (come to) nothing; ruin
connection; link; relationship
huge rock; firmness; solidity
beyond this point; from now on; after this
much more; still more; single layer (or storey, etc.); (arch.) rather; (arch.) sooner
to miss (doing); to fail (to do)
I'm sorry; (it's) inexcusable; I feel regretful; thank you very much (for help, etc.)
indicates reason or excuse; indicates dissatisfaction; indicates desire to be pampered or indulged
one's own convenience; one's way; surroundings; environment; convenience; ease of use; financial circumstances