also; too; not ... either; (it's not possible) no matter what; although one might wish otherwise
slowly; inefficiently; tardily; dawdling
tough; hard; determined; strong-minded; strong (e.g. sunlight, alcohol); severe
to rebuke; to scold harshly
to differ (from); to vary; to not be in the usual condition; to not match the correct (answer, etc.); to be different from promised; isn't it?
to cross the ocean (i.e. to go to or come from overseas)
this way; this direction; here; this (one); I; me
be supposed or expected to (do); be sure to (do); ought to (do)
to believe; to believe in; to place trust in; to confide in; to have faith in
thing; object; one's things; possessions; things; something; quality
denotes uncertainty; such things as A and B; A and B and so on; A and B and the like
(not) particularly; (not) especially; (not) specially; separately; apart; additionally
to mind; to care about; to be an issue; to matter; to keep company; to care for; to interfere with
et cetera; etc.; or something; the likes of; for example; for instance
to do; to undertake; to send; to dispatch; to put; to move; to give (esp. to someone of equal or lower status)
(some) more; even more; longer; further
such things as ...; and ... and; the minute (that) ...; no sooner than ...; be; is; o
practice; practising; training; study
voice; singing (of a bird); chirping (of an insect); voice; opinion (as expressed in words); sound; sense (of something's arrival)
just as; in the act of; as soon as; at the moment that
to look (sound, behave) grown-up; to be adult-like; to mature
to come (spatially or temporally); to approach; to come back; to do ... and come back; to come to be; to become
like; similar to; (I) think (that); (I) have a feeling (that); feels like; feels similar to
request; favor; favour; reliance; dependence; trust
something; some; somehow; for some reason; (is there) something (you want, etc.)
cold (to the touch); chilly; icy; (emotionally) cold; coldhearted; unfeeling
smelling of mold; musty; putrid; old-fashioned; stale; hackneyed
appropriate; adequate; suitable; fitting; worthy
way; method; means; resource; course
come; come now; well; who knows; well now; let's see
to one's heart's content; as much as one wants
receiving; reception; eating; drinking; please; please do for me
skillful; skilful; delicious; appetizing; fortunate; splendid
absence; being away from home; house-sitting; house-sitter; being left unattended to (of one's studies, etc.); neglecting
et cetera; etc.; and the like; and so forth
no; nay; well; er; you're welcome; not at all
hour; o'clock; (specified) time; when ...; during ...
concerning; regarding; per (e.g. 100 yen per person); for every
disagreeable; detestable; unpleasant; reluctant
rumour; rumor; report; hearsay; gossip; common talk