seventeenth day of the month; seventeen days
hour; o'clock; (specified) time; when ...; during ...
deadline; closing; cofferdam; closed (door, window, etc.)
use; application; employment; utilization; utilisation
classroom; lecture room; department (in a university); class; lessons; school (for a particular discipline)
divide; parting; carrying two bundles tied together over one's shoulder; hair parted in the middle
completion; conclusion; perfect (tense, form, aspect)
that being the case; because of ...; the reason is ...; given that ...
plans; arrangement; schedule; program; programme; expectation
group; party; team; organization; organisation; association
contents; content; substance; matter; detail; import
presentation (of documents); submission (of an application, report, etc.); production (e.g. of evidence); introduction (e.g. of a bill); filing; turning in
soccer club (at a school); football club
takoyaki; octopus dumplings
shop; store; somebody who sells (something) or works as (something); somebody with a (certain) personality trait; house; roof
well; properly; best regards; please remember me; just like ...; as though one were ...
to eat; to live on (e.g. a salary); to live off; to subsist on
light (e.g. aircraft, truck); light motor vehicle (up to 660cc and 64bhp); kei car
sound; noise; note; fame; Chinese-derived character reading
department (in an organization); division; club; part; component; category
live (esp. concert, show, etc.); live performance; alive
tea drinking; teahouse; tearoom; coffee lounge
intersection; crossing; crossroad; street corner; street
manzai; comic dialogue; two-person comedy act (usu. presented as a fast-paced dialogue, occ. presented as a skit)
counter for waves (of a repeated occurrence)
huh?; eh?; what?; oh; hey!; look!
this sort of; this kind of; like this; such
(written) application; application form
interesting; fascinating; amusing; funny; enjoyable; fun
reception (desk); information desk; receipt; acceptance
leakage; omission; oversight; I; me
to leak out (a secret); to be exposed (a lie, improper behaviour, etc.); to be found out; to get away (of fish)
man; male; fellow; guy; male lover; boyfriend
public performance; exhibition in a foreign country
you (plural); all of you; you all
like; similar to; (I) think (that); (I) have a feeling (that); feels like; feels similar to
official recognition; authorization; authorisation; licence; license; accreditation
qualifications; requirements; capabilities
hard; solid; stiff; tight; strong; firm (not viscous or easily moved); safe
suffix for familiar person