to fill in (field, entry, etc.); to fill out (form); to post a message (e.g. on a bulletin-board); to store; to write (data); to flash
delivery (of a package, goods, etc.)
re-examination; reinspection; retest
necessary; needed; essential; necessity; need; requirement
medium; average; moderation; middle school; China; volume two (of three); during (a certain time when one did or is doing something)
house; one's house; one's home; one's family
hospital; clinic; doctor's office; doctor's surgery; infirmary
until (a time); till; to (a place or person); as far as; to (an extent); up to
in order to (e.g. meet goal); so that; take care (so as); hoping or wishing for something
to convey; to report; to transmit; to communicate; to tell; to impart
to put; to place; to leave (behind); to establish (an organization, a facility, a position, etc.); to set up; to appoint (someone to a certain position); to hire
pleasant feeling; good vibes
endurance; patience; perseverance; self-control; self-restraint
to vomit; to throw up; to emit; to send forth; to give (an opinion); to make (a comment)
to eat; to live; to make a living; to bite; to sting (as insects do); to tease; to torment
adds force or indicates command
conveyor belt sushi; sushi-go-round; sushi train; kaiten-zushi
all-you-can-eat; eating as much as one likes
splendid; nice; sufficient; fine (in the sense of "I'm fine"); well enough; OK
still; as yet; (not) yet; more; (more) still; at least
course (e.g. of lectures); academic university unit (professor, lecturers, etc.)
to be late; to be delayed; to fall behind (in a race, one's studies, etc.); to lag behind; to be bereaved of; to be preceded by (someone) in death
poison; toxicant; harm; evil influence; ill will; spite
a-ha-ha (laughing loudly)
kilo-; 1000; kilogram; kilogramme; kilometre; kilometer
lie; fib; mistake; error; unwise move; bad decision
approximately; about; only; nothing but; just (finished, etc.)
always; all the time; never; usual; regular
head; chief; merit; strong point; superiority; major
surgery; operation; procedure; skill with one's hands; sleight of hand
exclamation of surprised disappointment, disgust, or worry (yuck, ick, ack, eeew, crap!, blech, gross)
venereal disease; sexually transmitted infection; sexually transmitted disease; VD; STI; STD
just (e.g. "just wait here"); come now; tolerably; passably; well...; I think...
face; visage; look; expression; honor; honour
elementary school student; primary school student; grade school student
time; hour; occasion; case; chance; opportunity
continuously in some state (for a long time, distance); throughout; much (better, etc.); by far; far away; long ago