opposition; resistance; antagonism; reverse; opposite; inverse
approval; agreement; support; favour; favor
nevertheless; at any rate; even so; all things considered; be that as it may
information; news; intelligence; information; data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.
but; however; (and) yet; nevertheless; still; for all that
to exploit; to extort; to squeeze (someone); to squeeze (e.g. oil, juice); to wring out; to press out
tree; shrub; bush; wood; timber
bird; bird meat (esp. chicken meat); fowl; poultry
to reach the point that; to come to be that; to turn into
mother-in-law; foster mother; step mother
not writing or contacting for a while; neglecting (failing) to write (call, visit, etc.); long silence
granny; grandma; gran; old lady; old woman
hug; carrying in one's arms (a baby, pet, doll, etc.)
your home; your family; their home; (my) home
to fly; to soar; to jump; to leap; to spatter; to scatter; to hurry
to cross (legs or arms); to link (arms); to put together; to construct; to braid; to plait; to grapple
to laugh; to smile; to sneer; to ridicule; to be dumbfounded; to be flabbergasted
Excellent (grade); A; superiority; excellence; gentle; graceful
I'm sorry; my apologies; may I come in?; permission; leave; dismissal
another time; some other time
apartment building; apartment block; apartment house; apartment
necessary; needed; essential; necessity; need; requirement
next (to); adjoining; adjacent; house next door; neighbouring house; next-door neighbour
(in spite of) being old enough to know better
continually; continuously; incessantly; without interruption
to bring (somebody into a place); to lead into
to be heard; to be audible; to be said to be; to be reputed
panting; gasping; heavy breathing
going in and out; entering and exiting; visiting regularly; frequenting; income and expenditure; incomings and outgoings; increase and decrease
to sleep; to die; to rest (in peace); to lie idle (e.g. of resources); to lie unused; (arch.) to close one's eyes
multi-unit apartments; apartment complex
control; management (e.g. of a business)
association; union; guild
confirmed as completed; everything must go (e.g. in a sale)
alarm (fire, burglar, railroad-crossing, etc.); sensor
crash; smash; crunch; bang; breaking sound
horn; alarm; whistle; foghorn
rock (in rock-paper-scissors); stone; ungh; gulp; rumbling (of an empty stomach); growling
such (about the actions of the listener, or about ideas expressed or understood by the listener); like that; that sort of