(period of) a year; during an era
may; might; perhaps; may be; possibly
young person; youth; young
perfect; perfection; perfect game
technology; engineering; technique; skill; art; craft
unripe; green; inexperienced; immature; unskilled
calculation; reckoning; count; forecast
madness; insanity; irregularity; deviation; fanaticism; fanatic
to produce; to yield; to cause; to result from; to arise; to be generated
keepsake; memorabilia; memento
to clasp; to grasp; to hold (the answer); to have (e.g. the solution); to seize (power); to hold (the reins)
chase; pursuit; tracking; following up; tracing
to whirl; to eddy; to be all jumbled together (feelings, thoughts, etc.); to surge; to sweep
to have a showdown; to settle (e.g. a dispute)
old enemy; longtime enemy; arch-enemy; traditional rival; longstanding foe
to trample; to crush underfoot
resentment; grudge; malice; matter for regret; regret
to end; to be finished; to die; to perish; to do utterly; to do completely
to dispel; to clear away; to accomplish a goal; (arch.) to make it sunny; (arch.) to make clouds disappear
evil; wickedness; (role of) the villain (in theatre, etc.); the bad guy
reigning; controlling; dictating
plot; intrigue; scheme; conspiracy; agreement between two or more people to commit an unlawful act
to become the focus of (attention, sympathy, hope, etc.)
wild beast; wild animal; brute
to get mended; to be repaired; to return to normal; to recover (e.g. one's temper); to be corrected; to get put right; to come right
to make a fresh start; to turn over a new leaf; to call again; to visit again; to come again
to betray; to turn traitor to; to double-cross
oscillation; vibration; swing (e.g. of a pendulum)
domination; rule; direction; management; control (e.g. over one's emotions); determining (e.g. one's fate)
eternity; perpetuity; permanence; immortality
photograph; photo; picture; moving picture; movie