near oneself; close to one; familiar
legume (esp. edible legumes or their seeds, e.g. beans, peas, pulses); bean; soya bean (Glycine max); soybean; female genitalia (esp. the clitoris); kidney; small
riddle; puzzle; enigma; enigmatic; mysterious
to ripen; to mature; to be ready for action; to be the right time (to act); to be in common use; to come to sound natural
scabbard; sheath; cap (on pen, brush, etc.); case; margin (between two prices); spread
fruit; nut; seed; (in broth) pieces of meat, vegetable, etc.; content; substance
branch; bough; limb; twig; sprig; spray
ridge of earth between rice fields; ridge between grooves in threshold or lintel; footpath between rice fields; causeway
to plant; to grow; to insert; to transplant; to inoculate (e.g. an infectious agent); to instill (idea, value, etc.)
ridge (in field); row of raised earth when planting crops; rib (cloth, mountains, sea); cord (e.g. corduroy)
setsubun; last day of winter in the traditional Japanese calendar (usu. February 3 or 4), day of the bean scattering ceremony; last day of any season (according to the traditional Japanese calendar)
sowing beans (or pulses, etc.); scattering parched beans (to drive out evil spirits)
parched or roasted beans (or soybeans)
natto (fermented soybeans)
to burn; to burn with (emotion, feeling); to be fired up
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; MAFF
soya bean (Glycine max); soybean; soy
strange; odd; peculiar; queer; curious
author (usu. of a particular book); writer
Mr; Mrs; clan; he; him; counter for people
literature; books (reference); document
one large ...; a great ...
(United States of) America; United States; US; America (land mass); the Americas
ancestral; hereditary; imported; transmitted; handed down
slow; time-consuming; late (in the day); towards the end (of the day or night); later (than expected or usual); late
ship; boat; tank; tub; counter for boat-shaped containers (e.g. of sashimi)
stability; steadiness; equilibrium
substitute; replacement; stand-in; proxy; compensation; exchange
Perry; Peli; Pelly; Perri
to take home; to carry home; to bring back home; to take out (e.g. food)
handing down (information); legend; tradition; folklore; transmission
falsely similar; counterfeit
superior; excellent; brilliant; outstanding
bad smell; affectation; fulsomeness
to disappear; to vanish; to go out (of a fire, light, etc.); to die; to fade (of a feeling, impression, etc.); to vanish (e.g. of hope); to go away (e.g. of a smell, itchiness, sleepiness)
finish; end; completion; result
to be dried out; to be parched