such; that sort of; that kind of; no way!; never!
putting into operation; invocation
to be blown off; to blow off; to blow away; to vanish; to disappear
to emphasize; to attach importance to
exceedingly; extremely; exceptionally; unexpectedly
shock (psychological); crisis (esp. financial); event that rattles the markets; shock (physical, mechanical); shock (e.g. due to lack of blood flow); trauma
seeming ...; appearing ...; -ish; like a ...; typical of ...
perhaps; maybe; perchance; by some chance; by any chance
last night; yesterday evening
immersing oneself in; being absorbed in; devoting oneself to; giving oneself up entirely to
invention; intelligent; clever; (arch.) making sense (of something); (arch.) understanding
failure; mistake; blunder
frustrated (over a failure, humiliation or injustice); annoyed; chagrined; (bitterly) disappointed; bitter; vexed
by myself; in person; by oneself
to climb over; to get over; to surmount; to overcome; to surpass; to overtake
to persevere; to persist; to insist that; to stick to (one's opinion); to remain in a place; to stick to one's post
seat; location (of a gathering, etc.); place; position; post
one's line of sight; one's gaze; one's eyes (looking); glance; gaze; look
small; little; slight; below average (in degree, amount, etc.); low (e.g. sound); soft (e.g. voice)
to row a boat; to nod off; to doze off
equally (talented, etc.); evenly; neck and neck; nip and tuck
stamina; endurance; physical strength; strength of an organization (e.g. profitability, productivity, economic clout, stability, growth potential)
for (e.g. "she dances well for an eight-year old"); considering it's (something or someone)
unusual; rare; new; novel; fine (e.g. gift)
to get tired; to tire; to become worn out (of a well-used object); (arch.) to starve
direction; way; side (of an argument, etc.); one's part; type; category; field (of study, etc.)
as one would expect; just as you'd expect (from); still; all the same; even ... (e.g. "even a genius")
lack of sleep; insufficient sleep
particle; atom; little piece; not at all; not the slightest
involuntarily; instinctively; without realizing; unconsciously
to nod; to bow one's head in assent; to agree
lunch; midday meal; food served at a tea party (tea ceremony)
there in body, but not in spirit; distracted; in one ear and out the other
or rather (say); or better (say); or perhaps I should say; or, how should I put it; I mean
somewhere; anywhere; in some respects
inattention; absent-mindedness
department (in an organization); division; club; part; component; category
rest; recess; vacation; holiday; dormancy (of a silkworm prior to moulting)
as one would expect; naturally; indeed; still; all the same; after all