well; properly; best regards; please remember me; just like ...; as though one were ...
affectionately attached; reluctant to part
to make a mistake; to be incorrect; to be mistaken
sticking (in one place, position, etc.); settling; becoming established (of a custom, system, etc.); taking hold; fixation (photography); fixing
correction; revision; amendment
very young; little; childish; immature
cowardly; craven; unfair; mean; sneaky
in that way; like that; that way
to request; to beg; to call; to order; to entrust to; to rely on
direction; district; area; field (e.g. of study); sphere; quarter
energy; vigour; vigor; liveliness; spirit; life
to fill; to become full (of); to wax (of the moon); to rise (of the tide); to flow; to expire (of a period of time)
(how) many times; (how) often
wartime fire; war; wartime destruction; horrors of war
inhabitant; resident; citizen; population
departure; leaving; going away; recession
long (time that has passed); old (story)
to be turned up; to be lifted up (e.g. by the wind)
stone paving; cobble paving; stone steps; check (pattern); pavé; rectangular dessert (usu. made from chocolate or several layers of sponge cake)
to talk about; to speak of; to recite; to chant; to indicate; to show
stationing (troops); occupancy
self-flattery; sing one's own praises
skillful; skilful; delicious; appetizing; fortunate; splendid
bustling; busy; crowded; lively (party, voices, etc.); loud; noisy
to stream; to flow (liquid, time, etc.); to be washed away; to be carried; to drift; to float (e.g. clouds); to sweep (e.g. rumour, fire)
scenery; scene; landscape
old; former; the old; old things; old times; bygone days
and (also); both ... and; as well as
to catch sight of; to come into view; to happen to see
here and there; all around; everywhere; to get things in the wrong order (back to front); to become muddled up
to crumble down; to tumble down; to fall in
tightly (holding on); firmly; strongly (built); solidly; properly; well
to keep; to preserve; to hold; to last; to endure; to keep well (food)
past days; bygone days; days of yore; while still alive; during one's lifetime
face; looks; vestiges; trace
to peep (through); to peek; to await (one's chance); to guess; to infer
city library; municipal library; public library
pre-war days; before the war
physical distribution; distribution of goods; logistics
every place; various places
to gather; to collect; to assemble
that is so; that is right; it looks to me; people say that; it is said that; I hear that
to make; to produce; to prepare (food); to brew (alcohol); to raise; to grow; to till
after all; in the end; conclusion; end; end of a game of go, shogi, etc.