armpit; under one's arm; beside; close to; aside; to the side; off-track
nape of the neck; back of the neck; scruff of the neck
exposed; scanty; bare; public; open
mess; sorry state; -ways; -wards; in the act of ...; just as one is ...
easy; trifling; harmless; nothing of the sort; not at all
ta-dah!; ta-da!; tada!; voilà
terrible; dreadful; amazing (e.g. of strength); great (e.g. of skills); to a great extent; vast (in numbers)
tailor's (shop); dressmaker's shop; tailor; dressmaker
release; unleashing; liberation; deallocation (of computer memory)
to stick; to paste; to stretch; to spread; to form (e.g. ice on a pond); to fill; to swell
being under military occupation
citizen; citizenry; city inhabitant; townspeople; bourgeoisie; middle class
receiving; acceptance; reception
good; fine; excellent; favorable; favourable; satisfactory
to take on; to undertake; to take over; to inherit; to guarantee; to vouch for
especially; above all; inter alia; among others
fame; reputation; popularity; rumour (rumor); talk
even at the best of times; already; (even) under normal circumstances; in addition to; as it is
position; situation; viewpoint; standpoint; point of view
clothing; costume; outfit; garment; dress
with trouble; at great pains; rare; valuable; kind; generous
madness; insanity; irregularity; deviation; fanaticism; fanatic
difference; variation; difference
major incident; major happening; big scandal
to strike; to hit; to beat; to punch
both hands; both arms; ten
surrender; submission; capitulation; being defeated (e.g. by a problem); giving up; giving in
turning around (once); suddenly; abruptly; completely (wrapped in something); quickly (unwrapping something); beautiful, round (eyes)
to spread; to extend; to unfold; to open; to scatter about; to spread around
staringly; fixedly; unblinkingly
embarrassing; embarrassed; ashamed; disgraceful; shameful
to be at a loss for words
to come to the point; to get straight to the point; to speak frankly; to speak plainly; to talk straight
grizzled; (hair) streaked with grey (gray)
combination; assortment; matching (in a contest); pairing; combination
indeed; really; absolutely; truly; actually; very
fresh; refreshing; invigorating; clear (e.g. voice); fluent; eloquent
to clear; to make clear; to be unruffled; to look unconcerned; to look demure; to look prim